S. 38

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Waking​ up out of my slumber, I saw that August was no longer in bed with me. Sighing I slung the covers off of me before standing up and walking out of the bedroom to hear faint voices coming from the living room.

Furrowing my brows, I tip-toed my way over to the living room, eavesdropping on what they were talking about.

"Yeah man. I just don't understand this. How does this nigga have a twin? If his nigga had a twin I'm pretty sure Honesty would have known and would have told me and she would have known if she was killing his brother." August said lowly.

"Unless she didn't." I heard my dad's voice say making me frowned at their conversation.

Who were they talking about? Were they talking about Donovan? He has a twin brother?

My mind was racing a million miles per hour at the thought of Donovan having a twin brother.

He has a twin? A twin I never knew about? Was this real or am I dreaming all of this?

Pushing the thoughts to the back of my head, I continued to listen carefully to their conversation.

"What?" August said with his voice full of anger.

"Listen, you said it yourself, if he had a twin Honesty would have known right. Maybe he never told her. Maybe that wasn't his twin, that was him. Who told you he had a twin?" My dad asked August.

"My nigga who lives here. His name is Brandon." August stated.

"Call him back and put the phone on speaker." My dad instructed.

Mintues later, August friend, Brandon, had answered the phone and he was informing them on this Donovan having a twin situation.

"August my bad man. I didn't read everything. He had a twin." Brandon said loudly through the phone, putting emphasis on had.

"What you saying Brandon?" August inquired.

"His twin died five years ago due to a gunshot wound to the chest." Brandon said.

"What was his name?" August inquired

"Dominic Knight." Brandon stated.

"Dominic Knight. That name sounds awfully familiar." My dad whispered but more to his self than August.

Peeping my head around the corner, I focused my attention on my dad as he thought hard, trying to remember how or why that name was familiar to him.

"So Donovan isn't dead?" August inquired.

"Well according to the new he is pretty much dead. They've been talking about his dead all week. Trying to get information on what happened. Turn your TV on the news." Brandon instructed August.

Sighing in relief, I made my presence known and came around the corner, making my dad and August look up at me.

"Thanks Brandon. I'ma call you back later." August said as he waved for me to come over to him.

Walking over to him, I sat down on the sofa beside him and wrapped my arms around his torso before burying my head in the croak of his neck and planted a soft kiss on his neck.

"What were y'all talking about down here?" I inquired, acting as if I didn't just hear their whole conversation.

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about darling." My dad stood up and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Y'all try to get some sleep, okay?"

"Alright Daddy." I said and smiled up at him before laying my head on August's shoulder.

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