S. 39

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1 Month Later


"Sit ya' ass down some damn where. Doing all that shit, putting my damn baby in danger Go sit ya' ass down on the couch." He yelled at me making me pout.

"Asshole." I said before stomping up the stairs of our new house he had bought here in Houston last week.

About two weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant and I had been for almost two months now and I wasn't even aware.

I was pregnant when I got shot and I didn't even know because the doctors never said anything to me about it when I was in the hospital for those gunshot wounds.

Which means they didn't even know and wasn't aware. It probably was too early to tell so that's why Dr. Rogers didn't say anything because he didn't know anything.

Ever since I told August that I'm pregnant, he has been so protective and now he is always telling me what and what not I do.

Controlling ass.

He literally won't let me do anything around the house. When we were moving he got Giovanni and my father to help him move the furniture and stuff that he'd bought for the house. He wouldn't even let me pick up a lamp.

When I told him, he figured it was time for him to get the game because he has a son or daughter on the way and he didn't want his children to lose him to the streets like what happened to his brother.

He bought us a house down here in Houston because he felt as if I need to be closer to my parents since I'm having their grandchild and he figured they would want to see their grandchild very often.

"What was that shit that just fled from yo' mouth?" He yelled from downstairs.

Ignoring him. I slammed our bedroom door shut before sitting down in the middle of the bed and folding my arms, pouting like a child.






August opened our bedroom door and looked at me but I rolled my eyes at him before focusing my attention on everything else in the room but him.

"Fix yo' attitude before I fix if for you." He stated.

"Ain't gone do shit." I mumbled.

"What?" He inquired.


"Come here."

Pouting, I got up from my place on the bed and went over to him and stood directly in front of me.

"Quit all that damn pouting girl." He said before kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"You like our home?" He inquired and empathized our.

"I do. Thank you so much August like honestly. I'm glad I came to New Orleans and met you. It was the best thing I could ever do." I stated while smiling up at him.

"I'm glad I met you too baby." He said and pecked my lips multiple times causing me to giggle out loud.

"What you want to do today?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"It really doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you two it doesn't matter." He stated and I frowned in confusion.


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