S. 08

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"Come on." I told him as I grabbed the food from him and we walked inside of the house.

He drove to get him and I six pounds of crawfish with corn and potatoes. Now we were at my house.

He closed the door behind us and I went straight to the living room and sat the food down on the coffee table before grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"Netflix and chill?" I asked him and he grabbed his phone before texting me.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Yeah we are just going to go with Netflix because you and I have too different definitions of the word chill.

After reading his message I looked over at him with a straight face and he laughed.

"You just nasty but we about to watch movies and eat and get to know each other better. That's cool with you?" I asked him.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Yeah that's alright with me just don't be trying to talk my damn ear off. Y'all females love talking all damn day.

"I don't even talk that much. You over exaggerating now." I told him.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

I don't know who lied to you.

I rolled my eyes again causing him to pop me on my leg.

"Man that hurts." I whined.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Well quit rolling your damn eyes at me. That's like your third or fourth time rolling your​ eyes today.

"No it's not." I mumbled before getting up and going to the kitchen to get a big bowl.

"So were you born here in New Orleans or you just moved here?" I asked him as I sat back down and put the bowl on the coffee table.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

I was born here. What are you doing down here?

"Well the upcoming semester in the fall I'm starting my first year of college and I wanted​ to have as much fun this summer as possible so I thought why not come to New Orleans where all the fun and excitement is." I told him. "But what happened a couple of nights ago really changed my perspective about down here."

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

It ain't all excitement like most people think it is. Yeah and about that... How have you been since that happen?

"I've been okay I guess you could say. You guys have been helping me keep my mind off it so thank you." I smile and looked at him but I couldn't tell if he was looking at me because of his shades.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

So tell me somethings​ that I don't know about you yet.

"Um I'm eighteen going on nineteen. My birthday is June 3. I don't have any siblings thank God. My mom is the original queen of the pack. I was born in Kingston, Jamaica. My parents moved here to the United States when I was just thirteen. I've had one boyfriend my entire life. Never really experience anything in my life due to my father being so strict with me when I was younger. I love writing. I'll write anything from poems, to stories and songs. Just anything that comes to mind I put it on paper. I love going to the beach. Yeah and that's​ about it for me." I told him. "Your turn."

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Well I'm twenty-three. My birthday is September 3. I have three brothers but one of them died. I have a sister also. My mom is the queen in my life and she always will be. I've only had one girlfriend. And that's about it.

"How did he die? If you don't mind me asking." I said.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Um, I didn't know because I was sleep and when I woke up and I saw I had like thirty missed calls on my shit and I called my cousin back and was like man what's up. And a nigga, nigga told me a nigga killed my brother. He got shot six times and ain't nobody do shit​ about it or say shit. It happen on August 31, 2010 just a few days before my birthday.

"Oh my God August. I'm so sorry to hear that." I said.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Honesty it's okay. It happened some years ago.

"No it's not okay. That's awful. Who could someone do something like that to somebody?" I said.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Yeah...I've done worse.

"Yeah I'm not even going to ask you what you mean because I'm pretty sure I don't want to know." I told him.

From: AugPooh​
To: 281-557-0201

You don't.

I knew that had to be a touchy subject for him because I'm pretty sure it would be for me if I had a sibling that died because somebody murder him or her.

"So about what happened in the restaurant. What's​ up with you and Josiah? I thought you two were friends." I stated.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Keyword...were. Yeah we was friend but he been acting like he the shit when he already know I don't​ mind shooting his ass in the face.

"Okay chill. It's not that serious August." I told him.

From: AugPooh 😏
To: 281-557-0210

It is serious. He think I don't know he the one who been stealing my product from my warehouse​. He's definitely going ​to get dealt with because he already know I don't​ play about my money.

"So you're a drug dealer?" I asked him.

From: AugPooh
To: 281-557-0210

More like drug lord.

"Interesting. I'm talking to a dangerous person." I said and I looked over at him.

Lord I just want to see his eyes one time. Just one time at least.

I reached up and placed my hand on his shades and just as I was about to take them off his face, he reached up and placed his hand on mine, preventing me from taking them off his face.

"Please." I begged.

He dropped his hand and let me take his shades off his face and when I did I was completely blown away and unprepared for what I saw.

He looked even more gorgeous without shades on his face. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but agony and melancholy.

His eyes were big, beautiful, and brown and I didn't understand why he would want to hide something that's so precious and pure.

"Don't wear shades around me anymore. Okay?" I said and he nodded before breaking our eye contact.


Published (05/21/2017)
Edited (04/15/2018)

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