S. 34

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"Damn bitch! What you wearing all black for?" Asha came in my room and asked while smacking on some dill pickle Lays potato chips.

I rolled my eyes at her hungry, hormonal ass as I continued doing what I was doing which was putting my different knives.

Everything that I would need, I put in my purse including one of my guns that my dad gave me for my eighteenth birthday last year.

"Because I'm about to go take care of some business." I stated.

"What kind of business might I ask?"

"Killing a nigga name Donavon business." I stated.

"Ooh bitch I'm riding with you." She said while licking her fingers clean.

"Mm yeah no the fuck you are not because you're pregnant and if Giovanni finds out you trying to be a ride or die while you pregnant, he gone kick yo ass and mine for letting you come along." I explained to her.

"Fuck Giovanni. He ain't here so he ain't got to know and I'm not letting you go kill a nigga by your damn self. You never know what will happen. So I'm going end of discussion." She fussed.

Walking over to the closet, Asha grabbed her some black pants, her shirt with Tupac on the front.

I had on all black but it was more of a girly than thuggish so I could make sure that my plan went through.

I wore, my black high-waisted pants a black long-sleeve crop top with my black boots. Grabbing my gold watch and chain, I put them on.

"You ready?" Asha asked as I slid my other gun down in my black boots.

"Yeah let's go." I grabbed my purse and car keys before heading to the front door.

Lucky for me my dad was gone to the hospital to see my mom. I'd gone to see her earlier today. The doctors were still saying that she could wake any day and from the point all we can do is wait patiently.

Getting in the car, I started the car and we headed to the other side of town where Donavon lived.


Killing the engine of the car, I left the keys in the ignition. Reaching behind me, I grabbed my purse from the back seat before grabbing three knives out and putting them in different places on me. Sliding my purse under the seat, I popped my knuckles and my neck.

"Uh what do you think you doing?" I asked Asha once I saw her grabbing the door handle, getting ready to get out of the car.

"I'm going in with you. The fuck?" She mugged me and I rolled my eyes.

"Stay your pregnant hormonal ass in the car. If I don't come out in thirty minutes tops then you call the damn police." I instructed her before getting out of the car.

Walking you to his doorstep, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come to the door and answer it.

Hearing footstep from the other side of the door, they got louder and louder as the person got closer and closer to the door.

Listening as the locks were being undone, I sighed in relief once the door swung open and revealed Donavon with a smirk on his face.

"Well well well, if it isn't Miss Honesty. I knew you'd come back to me easily." He said.

I plastered a fake smile on my face as if I was happy to see him but on the inside I was ready to kill this bastard so that he'd be out of my life forever.

"Hey baby." I smiled at him and walked inside of the house. He bit his lip while looking at me lustfully before closing the door behind me.

Grabbing his hand, I led him to his bedroom. Once we were inside his bedroom, he came in front of me and lifted me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He placed my back up against the wall and planted kisses on my neck and my chest. Sighing I took my hand behind my back before sliding the knife out of my back pocket.

Just when I was about to bring the knife up to his neck, he gripped my wrist tightly making me groaned in pain.

"Bitch you think I'm stupid don't you?" He asked.

Grabbing the knife from my hand he threw it across the room before letting me go making my body hit the hard wooden floors and I groaned.

He grabbed me up by my throat and I groaned while scratching at his hands for him to loosen his grip around my neck.

"Don't ever underestimate me you bitch." He growled at me before letting my neck go.

Coughing harshly, I took deep breaths so that my breathing could get back under control.

Standing up, I looked over at him and saw him with a gun in his hand and I laughed at him making him frown up at me.

"You think this shit is funny don't you?" He asked.

"No see this is the thing, I don't think this shit is funny at all. I just think your goofy looking ass is funny." I laughed even harder at my statement.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I knew I was about to die." He said and I laughed even more.

What made you laughter come to a halt was when I heard his gun go off and I felt two bullets penetrate my skin and I groaned.

Looking down, I saw that he had shot me twice in my abdominal area. Losing my balance, I fell to the floor and laid there looking up at the ceiling.

Donavon came into my view and I looked over at him. He lifted his gun and pointed it direction at my head.

"Any last words?" He asked. Reaching down to my boot and slid my gun out of it.

"Yeah." I said. "Go to hell." I raised my gun and let off five rounds making him instantly fall to the floor.

Sighing, I let the gun fall from my hand as I laid there without moving. Hearing a door being opened I heard my name being called. Looking over at the door, I saw Asha making her way over to me.

"Oh my God. Honesty, we gotta get you to the hospital." She said as she took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulder before helping me stand up. Once we made it outside, I stopped her.

"What?" She asked.

Reaching into my back pocket. I grabbed my small box of matches and strike one before throwing it at his house making instant flames blaze up.

"Come on." She said.

Helping me into the car, she closed the door once I was properly inside of the car before getting in herself and starting up the car.

Ignoring the pain every time I made a move I grabbed my cell phone and called August and listened as the phone rung.

"Hello." He answered.

"Baby." I groaned in pain as I moved around in the passenger's seat trying to get comfortable in some way.

"Honesty what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Come to me. I got shot." I whimper into the phone.

"I'll be there soon." He said before we both hung up the phone.


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