S. 37

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1 Week Later


Its been a week since the situation with Donavon happened and I ended up in the hospital.

August has stayed here in Houston this whole week. My mom and dad let him and Giovanni stay at the house but they slept in living room.

Mostly every day I'm in the bed because Dr. Rogers told me not to move a lot and that I needed my rest.

I'd just woken up from my nap to find that August was sitting at the foot of my bed.

"You're a creep." I stated as I slowly sat up and groaned from the durable pain I was currently feeling.

August noticed and he got up and help me sit up. I sighed in relief as I felt the pain lessen a little.

"I'm not a creep. I was making sure you were okay." He said.

"Well I think I'm pretty good considering that I have you as my boyfriend. I'll always be fine." I smiled at him.

"Is that right?" He questioned.

"Yeah, thats right." I said making him chuckle as he climbed in my bed and laid down beside me.

Wrapping his arms around my small waist, he pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso and placed my head on his chest.


"Huh?" He questioned.

"Where is Rocky and Ace?" I asked, curious as to why they were.

"Trust me baby, they okay. Ace smarter than you think." He said as he pulled out his phone.

Going to his keypad he dialed a number, I'm guessing his house phone , before putting his cell on speaker and just seconds later it began to ring.

Minutes later, the phone had been answered and all we could hear was heavy breathing.

"Ace." August called and minutes later we heard Ace chuffed back at us making August and I laughed.

"Rocky." August called and seconds after, barks from Rocky were heard from the background.

"Hang up Ace." August told him.

I guess Ace understood what August was telling him to do because just a minute later, the only thing that was heard was the buzzing of the phone.

August hung up and put his phone back in his pocket before turning his attention back to me.

"Told you." He said smartly.

"How does he know what you be saying?" I inquired.

"I taught him a lot when he was a baby. It was hard because when he was a baby he would easily get distracted and I'd teach him signals for him and I for hours and hours at a time until he understood." He explained.

"Wow. That's what I love about animals, they're so smart. Sometimes I think they are smarter than we are at time. Especially dogs. That give so many signals and sign to humans when danger is near but some of us don't know or we're not paying attention to the signs." I said.

"Dinner is ready!" We heard my mom yell from downstairs. Hearing her say that just made my mouth water.

Thinking about what she could have cooked, I slowly got up from my spot on the bed, with help from August of course.

Just as I was about to walk out of my bedroom, August came right bed me and swooped me up in his arms and carried me bridal style out of my bedroom and into the kitchen where my mom, dad, Asha, and Giovanni were already seated and waiting.

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