S. 21

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2 Weeks Later


It's been two weeks and I was finally going to Jamaica to handle this little situation with this Adric nigga. That shit haven't sat right with me ever since Honesty told me what he did to her when she was younger.

Like what be wrong with these niggas man? Something must be wrong with they brain because molesting little girls is something so terrible.

That shit makes girls not want to trust no male ever in they life and it fucks them up mentally and spiritually. It makes them vulnerable.

If I ever have a daughter, I will always protect her from shit like that. Shit, she might not never date fucking around with me because today's generation is so fucked up.

All these little niggas think about is getting they dick wet. How I know? Because I was their age before. I know how they think.

These few weeks we've been back and forth from New Orleans to Houston to visit her mom. To our surprise she's been doing a little better and the doctors said they've been seeing a little improvement in her mom.

But today, today was the day I was going to Jamaica and handle my business and once I get done with that, I gotta come back to New Orleans and deal with this other situation with Josiah.

This nigga been on my bad side way before Honesty came into the picture and I'm about tired of him. He just say shit out of context and at the wrong damn time.

Everything I needed was already packed and loaded but the only thing I was really worried about was how I was going I get these guns and knives through security metal detector.

I knew I was going to need somebody to roll with me but I only trusted one person. Grabbing my phone, I shot Giovanni a text.

From: August
To: Giovanni

Are you going to be busy this week?

From: Giovanni
To: August

Nah why? You need me to roll with you somewhere?

From: August
To: Giovanni

I need you to roll with me to Jamaica for about two or three days.

From: Giovanni
To: August

Alright I'm down.

From: August
To: Giovanni

Meet me tonight at 8. At Warehouse 4

From: Giovanni
To: August

I'll be there.

Just as I was about to sit my phone down I got another text but it wasn't from Giovanni. It was Honesty.

From: My Honest Angel🙌😏
To: AugPooh😏

Knock, Knock!

Uh Lord. Here she go with these lame as knock knock jokes that don't even be funny.

From: AugPooh😏
To: My Honest Angel🙌😏

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