S. 19

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I was still up while Honesty slept peacefully​ in my arms. She had dried up tear stains​ on her face from all the crying she did.

I rubbed up and her back as she slept. I tried to go to sleep but I just couldn't shake this feeling that I had.

A feeling like someone was out to get me. I had been feeling this way for a couple of days now but I just didn't know why.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand beside the bed. I reached behind me and grabbed it before unlocking it to find that Giovanni had text me.

From: Giovanni
To: August

911. Meet me outside now!

From: August
To: Giovanni

Alright nigga!

After texting Giovanni back, I slowly side my arm from around Honesty and looked at Rocky as he laid at the foot of her bed. He looked at me as I snap my fingers at him getting his attention.

"Come here, Rocky." I said and he obeyed. He laid down beside Honesty and I laid her arm over Rocky.

Standing up, I leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving out of her bedroom and carefully closing the door behind me.

I left out the front door and closed the door behind me.

"What's ​up? What's so damn important that you called me out here in the middle of the night? Its four o'clock in the damn morning." I fussed and he just started at me with his mouth agape. "Why the fuck you staring at me like that? Close your damn mouth before a fly, fly in it." I told him.

"Niggaaa." He dragged out the word and I mugged up because he want to play and shit and I ain't got time. It's bad enough I can't even get no damn sleep.

"What nigga?" I asked madly.

"You talking. Oh my fucking God! This is a damn miracle. Oh shit nigga. Was it the pussy? I bet it was the pussy! I knew it! Honesty got that good good huh? Her shit taste like heaven huh?" He babbled on and I just started at him and blinked my eyes.

Back to texting it is. Looks like I'm only going to be talking around Honesty since people want to make a big deal out of nothing.

I slid my phone out my back pocket and texted him.

From: August
To: Giovanni

One, all that ain't none of your damn business. Two,
nigga I ain't got time. What do you want?

"Ugh you get out my nerves. But I just got word that Josiah coming for you." He said and I looked at his face and busted out laughing.

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