Chapter 8; Visions

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Chapter 8; Visions

The darkness surrounding me began to break; light broke out within multiple places, until a fully formed scenery was surrounding me instead. The view out across the land from where I was stood was absolutely breath-taking.

The moon was high up within the sky and thick white clouds blotted out the nights stars. The wind was strong, pulling, tossing and twisting my hair out within its clutches. Though the winds blew with a great force, my feet stood firmly to the ground; I didn't even feel the biting bitter coldness.

I knew exactly where I was, I was stood upon one of the mountains passes. I was looking down at the land before me, cloaked within a thick layer of moving, swirling fog. My uncle's ranch was barely-a-spec within the distance below, and was only just visible through the ever shifting layers of mists.

I didn't hear the movement, probably because of the high whistling winds; I more or less sensed it. Turning around slowly, somebody or something was moving on down the mountains pass towards me. At first I didn't see anything, but when I had just made the decision to move out of sight, a young man suddenly descended into my view.

I didn't recognize the young man and he seemed to just walk on past me, as if I wasn't even there. Holding my breath, I couldn't even breathe; I couldn't even move. My heart was within my throat, I had never felt a sensation like it. I wasn't afraid. No, on seeing the young man it was the total opposite, - he was extremely good looking.

The young man looked not that much older than I did, maybe around eighteen I would guess. He was tall, tanned skinned and he held a small resemblance to another Inuit descendant in which I knew of, - Chandresh. 

Finding it within myself to finally move, I wanted to know more about this strange young man. I don't know how to explain it; it was like something was drawing me towards him, like something deep within me wanted me to go to this strange young man.

But, as I took my first step forward, the scenery suddenly faltered and faded. My heart dropped when I realized that I was only dreaming. Yet, the dream had been so vivid, as if I was actually watching this man descending the mountainside towards my uncle's ranch.

The scenery had completely faded, but before the darkness could take a hold of my mind again, another image began to suddenly form. This image was faulty, it's the only way I can describe it. Faded and blotted with time, like it was being held back from me, something I wasn't supposed to be witnessing.

I was stood within a different place, upon the outskirts of a small wooden village. The foliage was so dense and the trees grow so packed together, that it was an amazement the village actually fitted. Once again it was dark, but the weather wasn't as harsh and there was actually snow upon the ground.

Staying where I was stood this time, I waited for whatever it was I was supposed to witness to play itself out. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or seeing some kind of visions. I was also worried about moving, - I wasn't sure if my movement had triggered the first dream to end so abruptly and prematurely.

I didn't have to wait long, as a young woman within her early twenties stepped out of the village; her dress was Victorian in style. She had a kind hearted face, with long auburn coloured hair all clipped up at the back of her head. I knew immediately that neither of the visions or dreams were originally my own, as there was no way I was old enough to remember something this old.

The re-enactment of the memory was defiantly old, no one dressed the way that woman was dressed now a days. She seemed uneasy, glancing around and twisting her fingers with her nerves. Keeping to the shadows, I soon realized that the woman wasn't actually hiding from something out here, but more like making sure that she wasn't being followed.

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