Chapter 39; - Towering Flames

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Chapter 39; - Towering Flames

My nose was stinging, watering, - my lungs were shockingly tightly within my chest, as I awoke with a sudden falling jolt. Jumping to my paws, I tried to shake the stark whiteness away from out of my vision; - yet it took me a moment before I even realized that the stark whiteness was actually plumes of raising putrid white smoke filling the surrounding air.

What I had witnessed within my sleeping mind, - through the visions I was being shown, - was really actually happening.

Towering flames licked up the trees and mountain side, turning the frost and snow into a cascading flowing river of slushed liquid. I couldn't see much through the raising smoke, even the Inuit's village had complete vanished beneath a blanket of stark whiteness and flames; - but what flames I could see, were also moving swiftly within my own direction, arching up towards Casey's den.

The air within the den began to change in temperature, heating and warming considerably. Turning upon my heel, as quickly as the tight little passageway would allow me to, I padded my way swiftly back down to Casey and her cubs.

Entering the open space at the bottom, - Casey already knew or could sense that something was terribly wrong upon the surface of the land. She was already up upon her feet, two out of the three of her cubs, were already picked up and hanging from their scuffs securely from her mouth. Hurrying forward, I grabbed the third cub myself gently by the scruff and quickly turned to leave.

Casey instantly followed me back up towards the grounds surface. Moving swiftly back towards the dens entrance, where the sky could be clearly seen and should've be dark, it was lit up with a bright glowing flickering light. Smoke was already pouring its way down into the crevices of the land, like a strange movable liquid, forming its own underground river.

Reaching open air, it was still way too stiflingly hot to breathe properly. The ground was heating up; - rock, stone and dirt all warmed by the spreading flames. I felt trapped; - flames were creeping in upon all sides, walling us in. Casey released a whimper, backing up towards the mountains solid bedrock; - now was not the time to panic or to give in.

Scanning the wall of flames, a small opening was still available, only if we were quick. Jumping up onto a closely fallen tree, I edged myself slowly towards the surrounding wall of flames. Casey followed edgily; - her body language showed that she was not as sure within herself, as I was.

Sparing a quick glance back at Casey, I tried to convey my message to her, through eye contact alone. Swinging my head back around to face the wall of ever growing flames, I threw myself into a sprint, jumping and leaping the wall of flames.

I cleared the flames and I knew that Casey had also followed me, as I heard her land awkwardly somewhere behind me. I hadn't landed so cleanly myself, skidding and falling onto my chest. Pushing myself back upright, I caught the sound of someone or something swiftly approaching.

The sound in which I could hear was a type of footfall, yet I could also tell that it wasn't human; - possibly some sort of animal. Yet, before I could even react; - Jacob's inner wolf appeared out of a cloud of smoke, approaching me instantly.


I reached out to him, my thoughts connected with his, as we stared at each other.

'Skye, thank the spirits I've found you, we need to leave this place now; - it's not safe.'

'But, - what about the poachers; - their down there right now, destroying your village.'

Jacob stood proudly before me; - yet, I could see the devastation and pain from within his own eyes, as they dropped away from me, falling onto Casey who was struggling to stand.

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