Chapter 15; Jacob's Insecurities

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Chapter 15; Jacob's Insecurities

My uncle pulled up in front of the farmhouse, jumping out of the 4x4's cab I hurried around to the trailer to unchain the dogs. My uncle had explained to me on the way back that the dogs were my sole responsibility, as I didn't really do much else upon the ranch except for taking out Blacky whenever he needed to stretch his legs or needed to burn of a bit of his relentless energy.

My uncle walked around to the back of the trailer, laughing at me, as the dogs pounced about happily to meet me. Un-clipping the chained harnesses, I had just managed to slip two of the dogs free, when my attention was suddenly drawn back up.

Two people had just stepped out of my uncle's farmhouse and where directing themselves towards me and my uncle. With my keen eyesight, I could see straight away through the steadily falling darkness, who exactly it was. One of them was Chandresh, the other walking next to him, - was Jacob.

The dogs' chain's rattled and clanked, pulling and nearly slipped through my fingers due to my own sudden shock. Quickly re-gripping the chains and pulling the two dogs back, I watched as my uncle stepped away from the back of the trailer and walked casually towards Chandresh and Jacob.

"Jacob, what a pleasant surprise, what brings you down here?"

My uncle walked right up to Jacob, clasped his hand and slapped him upon the back, as if he already knew him. Maybe they did know each other, I'd never bothered to ask either of them.

"My father mentioned that you were getting a new pack of sled dogs and that you were thinking of bring the herd back in soon. So, I volunteered to lend a hand for a couple of days, - that's only if you need it and you don't mind me staying."

Jacob's eyes lingered upon my own for a moment, before returning to my uncle's unnoticed. I couldn't believe it, Chandresh was Jacob's father. I knew there was something about Chandresh in which he was keeping hidden from me, and now I knew; he too was a shifter.

"You know you're welcome to stay here anytime you want, every set of hands is a help around this time of the year."

My uncle placed his hand behind Jacob's back and led him forward, - towards me.

"This is my niece, Skye. Skye, this is Jacob, Chandresh's son."

My uncle introduced us, - not that he knew that we already knew each other. Jacob smiled at me, I couldn't help smiling back, dipping my head and blushing away my awkwardness.

"I could do with a hand here."

My uncle had almost forgotten about the dogs. Laughing, he took the two chains from my hands and led the first two dogs away. Jacob jumped up onto the back of the trailer and helped me unchain the last four dogs, taking two of them for himself.

Following my uncle's distant steps, I couldn't get the thought out of my head that Jacob was going to be staying with us; even if it was only going to be just for a couple of days. I had been so excited on the inside to see him again; yet, the revelation of Chandresh being his father, had hit me hard.

Glancing sideward's at Jacob, as we walked along, I was forced to suddenly look away because of his eyes. He wasn't looking directly at me; yet, there was something within his eyes in which scared me. His face was slack, emotionless; yet, his eyes had turned completely black.

Only pure hatred or anger could do that to us shifters, something even I had learned by myself over the past couple of weeks, due to my own ever changing emotions.

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