Chapter 18; The Search For The Wolves

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Chapter 18; The Search For The Wolves

Darkness had fallen early; sat upon the edge of my bed, my bedroom door was securely and firmly locked. I was sat listening to my uncle's and Chandresh's voices, as they both drifted through the thin walls of the farmhouse, coming from the living area. They both sounded as if they were drinking alcohol, which meant that they would be up for most of the night, before they would retire to bed.

Unable to wait any longer, I stood silently, tiptoeing bare footed over to my window. Easing the window open quietly I climbed up onto the sill, listening for any approaching steps, as I dropped to the frozen ground outside. Glancing around myself, I closed the window silently behind me, before edging myself quietly around the edge of the farmhouse.

The shingled, pebbled path was like razorblades beneath my bare feet. Though it didn't slice or cut my soft skin, it did rather hurt and cripple me slightly, as I swiftly walked over it bare footed within my human form. I couldn't shift just yet, not until I was out of sight and could discard of my clothing properly. I didn't want to set the pack of sled dogs off barking either, so I headed straight out of the ranch, heading for the cover of the mountains trees.

The night was especially dark, as the clouds blotted out the stars and the moon, casting no light down from sky above. Though I could see in a perfectly constant twilight, - the fact that there was no wind put me slightly upon edge. The Canadian arctic peninsular was well known for its bizarre wind formations. So, for there to be no wind at all, was rather strange.

Hurrying towards the cover of the trees, I was suddenly stopped short. Though I didn't smell his scent approaching, I could sense him coming closer within a minds sense. Glancing around, my head snapped back and forth, as Jacob suddenly stepped out of the cover of the trees before me.

Striding towards him and walking straight past him, I had a feeling Jacob would have followed me tonight. I had no intension of bring him with me; thought, with our mind link, I guess he would have already known that. Reaching out to grab my hand, I slipped it out of his reach, without even slowing my pace.

"Skye, wait, you can't still be angry with me."

I walked into the cover of the trees, my feet not wanting to stop. I was angry, - angry that Jacob had followed me, angry that he found all of this funny and wasn't even apologizing. Jacob had followed me into the cover of the trees, reaching out and grabbing my wrist, he forced me to halt my pace.

Now that I was stood within the cover of the trees, I had two options at hand. I could either shift here and now, to teach Jacob a lesson - or I could calm my anger down and at least listen to him. I decided on the latter thought, only because I wasn't so willing to destroy a set of my clothing over him.

"Skye, you can't keep this up, you'll have to speak to me eventually. Holding a grudge just doesn't suit you, you're much prettier when you're getting what you want. I'm sorry; smile for me baby, tell me that you forgive me."

Jacob pulled me towards him, his fingers trailing slowly down my cheek, down my neck and stopping at my shoulder. His eyes searching my own, his fingers had gentle run over a tickly spot. I couldn't help dipping my head, breaking our eyes contact, as a small smile and giggle escaped me.

"Just because I laughed, doesn't mean that you're forgiven. I said that you could come; so, please, I don't want you to distract me."

"I will behave; I just don't see why you have to do this?"

"No, no you don't, and you probably never will."

Turning away from Jacob, I stepped into a bush so I could strip down and hide my clothing, also shifting my form. I knew Jacob was doing the same, as I could hear and sense him only a meter or two away from me.

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