Chapter 12; The Diary

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Chapter 12; The Diary

I didn't remember falling asleep. I'd told my uncle that I was feeling tired, and that I wanted to be just left alone, when he'd come knocking upon my bedroom door looking for me. Samuel could tell instantly just from the sound of my voice that I was upset, but he did as I wished and left me alone.

I'd fallen asleep writing, as my pen had left a trail across the page, where it had fallen out of my hand and had rolled across my diary. The room was also dark, and there was a small tapping coming from my bedroom window, which had been the sound to disturb and awaken me.

Carefully closing my diary, I placed it gently upon my bedside table and rose slowly from my bed. Wrapping my arms around my upper body, - to cast away the chill - I slowly stepped cautiously towards my window, unsure if I actually wanted to see what was making or causing the tapping sound.

Pulling back a single curtain, I opened the window and leaned out to find Jacob standing out there. The young man was standing there naked, with only an old potato sack covering his private bits. It was also a very cold night, as the winds blow with an icy chill. Yet, I couldn't help raising an eyebrow at him.

"What are you doing here?"

I kept my voice to a whisper, as I didn't want to awaken or disturb my uncle or Chandresh.

"I came to apologize. I shouldn't have been so forceful with you earlier, I don't mean to do it, it's just who I am."

I couldn't help sniggering, as I tried to hold back on my own laughter. Was Jacob being serious?

"Get in here, before you freeze to death."

Turning away from the window, I pulled one of my knitted covers off of my bed and threw it towards Jacob, only once he was within my room. I didn't turn to face him, - I just couldn't - not until I'd heard the bedroom window reclose and his arms had slipped around my waist, pulling me gently into his body. Gradually turning around, Jacob was even hotter without any of his clothing on. Even with the knitted cover I had thrown at him, which was wrapped around his lower waist.

"I accept your apology, but - did you really have to turn up here... naked. Couldn't your apology have waited until the morning?"

"Does my human form revolt you?"

I really didn't have anywhere to place my eyes. It was either stare at the young man's beautiful sculptured smooth chest, or to be brave enough to actually look Jacob within the eye.

"No, it's just... improper."

"So, is it improper to say that you do find me attractive?"

"Yes... No. Oh, I don't know."

Staring at the young man's smooth muscled chest, I just couldn't think straight. Jacob was messing with my mind, being a complete tease.

"Would it please you, if I told you that I ran all the way here within my wolf form? I left my village in such a hurry, - wanting nothing more than to see you - that clothing was the last thing upon my mind."

Jacob released me and walked over to my bed. Getting himself comfortable, - the young man watched me, as I was still stood there like a lemon. He looked like a sculptured god, leaning back up against my beds headboard, with the silver moonlight cast against his tanned skin.

"Are you going to stand there all night, or are you going to come and rest next to me?"

I hadn't realized that my mouth was still hanging open. Hiding my own embarrassment, I went and sat next to the young man. Impatient with my effort, Jacob pulled me gently across his body, as he tucked me back into the bed next to him.

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