Chapter 35; - Facing The Truth

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Chapter 35; - Facing The Truth

A short amount of time had dwindled past; - yet Samuel's insecurities were gnawing at the pit of his stomach, ever since he had came-back-to from his mental shock and blackout.

"What's going on, Chandresh; - where did all of those Grey wolves come from and how Jacob even change into one of those strange creatures; - that's if he really is even your son?"

Samuel was pacing about within the farmhouse's living area, his injured arm had been bandaged, yet his rifle never left his side. The room was lit from a dim orange glow; - the light was coming from the fire's hearth and from the multiple old kerosene lanterns, which had been placed about within the room.

"Samuel, please sit, at least allow me to explain. What Jacob did and showed you was reckless, - but I trust in my son's word, he will return with your niece."

"I don't want him anywhere near Skye!"

Samuel expelled his anger, throwing out his arms.

"I'm sorry, but you really don't get a say within that, it's not your decision to make. You see, - Jacob and Skye are mates, you can't just separate them now that they've accepted each other."

Chandresh tried to sit himself up more straightly, but his own healing injures, made it very uncomfortable for him to sit still. The pack were running a perimeter check, making sure that all of the attacking natural Grey wolves had retreated back into the surrounding mountains.

"Mates, - what do you even mean by that; - Jacob called Skye the exact same thing?"

"They're true soul-mates; - they were born to be together. I don't know how to explain it to you, Samuel, just know that their love is strong and can never be broken."

"She's only sixteen, Chandresh, what would Skye even know about love?"

"You underestimate her, she is a lot smarter than her years show, - and you know that yourself."

"That maybe so, but Skye is still caught up within something, which even I can't get my head around."

"You're not supposed to; - Skye is loved, she has you and an entire new family to support her. Is that not enough for you to accept, - is it not enough to know that she is happy and that she chose this way of life herself."

"No, - no it's not!"

One of Chandresh's pack members entered the farmhouse, walking straight into the living area and halting close to the doorway. Chandresh and Samuel both turned to gaze at the Inuit descendant, who had just disturbed their conversation.

"The attacking Grey wolves have left the area, alpha."

"What of Skye, or of my son?"

"Nothing; - fresh snow is falling heavily and their scent trails have been destroyed by the scent of the natural wolves within the vicinity."

Chandresh rubbed his face stressed and sighed, as Samuel's angry gaze turned back upon him.

"What does he mean; - where has my niece gone?"

"We'll find her, Samuel; - we've lost Skye's scent trail, but the pack will surely pick it back up again."

"Are you joking me; - I don't want any of those creatures around or searching for my niece, - I'll go after and search for Skye myself."

Snatching up his rifle, Samuel stormed from the living area, and set about collecting together his mountain climbing equipment. The Inuit watched as Samuel left the room before turning his attention back towards his alpha.

"We can't keep him here, just allow him to go."

"What about the bête's orders?"

"There's nothing that we can do, Samuel would just leave any way to go in search of his niece. I want you to follow him, keep your distance, but keep him alive. Take the remainder of the pack with you, Samuel's going to need all the protection he can get out there."

The Inuit descendant nodded, excepting his alpha's orders, as he quickly departed from the farmhouse. Dragging himself painfully back up to his feet, Chandresh went in search of his friend. Samuel was filling a rucksack with essentials, which would protect and keep him alive within the snow covered mountains.

"Ten years, Chandresh, - ten years you've been living under my roof and what do I really know about you? Nothing, - every word you have spoken has probably always been a lie."

"That is not true, Samuel, everything that I've ever told you was the truth. I really do come from a village within the next valley, - Jacob really is my son and I truly did lose my wife to a brush fire, which swept through her village."

Samuel stopped what he was doing, as he stared at Chandresh.

"That part may be true, - but you still lied, you're still one of those dangerous shifting creatures."

Grabbing the rucksack, his rifle and extra ammunition, Samuel left the farmhouse with Chandresh watching after him, as he slammed the front door behind him. Samuel's pace was strong and determined; hoisting the rucksack up onto his back. He held his rifle securely up against his chest, as he pushed forward through the falling snow.

His eye stinging from the frost biting winds and from his own inner torment and worry for his niece's safety, Samuel wiped away his escaping tears, as he left the ranch his course straight for the mountains. Pulling out a torch, he turned it on, lighting his path dimly.

Clouds where blocking the moons and stars light, - so the surrounding land was extra dark. Pushing himself forward, the trek was difficult and he also needed to use the low hanging branches of the trees, to pull himself up through the mountain side.

The snow crunched with each step he took, as did hidden broken branches in which Samuel stood upon causing him to jump, halt listening and glancing about himself. Shining the torchlight through the trees, he was sure that he kept catching shadows moving and darting about within the distance. Yet, the shadows were always too quick for the torchlight, staying hidden within the darkness of the surrounding land.

Heaving his rucksack more securely upon his back, Samuel turned off the torch, so he could steady his rifle with both hands. Edging himself on, he kept his pace slow, his eyes darting about the trees.

The concern for his niece was the only thing keeping and pushing him forward. The attack upon the ranch and the truth about Chandresh, Jacob and their people had hit Samuel hard, shacking him up. He needed to find Skye; - he knew he needed to find her before one of those strange shifting creatures did.

Samuel searched the land for hours, finding absolutely nothing of Skye. Hunger and exhaustion tore at his body; - deciding to stop for a few hours, he set about building himself a camp fire. With the fire roaring, Samuel settled himself down, his rifle close to his side.

Taking a few pieces of food from his rucksack and a water container, Samuel eased his hunger knowing that he would have to find a fresh source of water soon and would have to probably hunt, if he was to stay within the mountains for a long period of time. His heart and mind set, Samuel couldn't and wouldn't give up searching for his niece.

Scanning the darkness surrounding him, Samuel had the uneasy feeling of being watched. Unable to see the danger beyond the boundaries of the camp fire, the watchful eyes of the shifter's were stalking him, keeping him within their sights.



Newly edited chapter....



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