Chapter 17; Part Truths

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Chapter 17; Part Truths

Worry had been constantly building at the back of my mind; I just had to hope that wherever Casey was that she had found her way back to the pack. Having a quick bath, I was dressed and out the front door, just as my uncle sleepily stepped out of his bedroom.

"Somebody's in a keen mood today."

I heard my uncle say to himself or to me, as I closed the front door behind me. Jogging down the gentle slope towards the barn, I pulled open the door to find the dogs already up and waiting for me. Setting to work, I started by moving the dogs outside and re-chaining them onto a longer chain, so they could run and play more freely.

It took me most of the day to clear out and to make the barn a lot more dog friendly; I could see now why Casey hadn't stuck around. By mid-afternoon I couldn't continue with cleaning or moving things anymore, with the dogs still chained-up and playing outside, I took a moment to rest upon an old bale of hay.

Even though the hay was old and held a slightly musty smell to it. I couldn't help but to lie back, closing my eyes for just a moment. I was exhausted, yet I didn't mean to fall asleep, I was only meant to be just closing my eyes for a minute or two.

Darkness had fallen across the land and the barn had falling into Shadow, when I was gently shaken awake by Jacob, but that didn't stop me from jumping and jerking awake. Pushing myself up, my body was stiff, my muscles sore from sleeping within the cold damp barn. Helping me up, Jacob wrapped his arms steadily around me, giving me the warmth of his own body.

I soon warmed up and the sound of the dogs caught my attention, causing me turn my head to glance at them. Someone had brought them back in for me; feeding and re-chaining them back up. Probably Jacob, before he decided to come and wake me up. How long had I been asleep; I wasn't sure, but it had to have been at least a couple of hours.

I still felt tired, but at least I didn't feel as tired, as I had before I had fallen asleep. Pushing my hair out of my face, Jacob lifted my chin, so I would look up at him.

"Don't go out tonight, Skye. I know you're worried about the wolves, but you also need your rest."

"How did you know I was going to sneak out tonight?"

"Being with you physically last night, strengthened and completed our bonding. I can hear your thoughts, just like you could hear mine if you tried and wanted to."

I was shocked, did I just hear right; did Jacob just say he could hear my thoughts and I could hear his if I really wanted to? Seeing the puzzlement upon my face, Jacob continued to explain.

"When two mates find each other, if they accept each other, then the first part of the bonding is a bite; a marking which claims you to that person."

My hand subconsciously rose to my shoulder, as I thought about what I had done last night, biting Jacob's shoulder myself.

"It was you; it was you who attacked me."

"No, no, Skye; it was I who saved your life. The bite was mine, yes, but it was the only thing I could think of at the time to save you and to stop you from dying. I know that I never got your permission to do so, but I never exactly gave you permission to mark and bite me now did I."

No, Jacob hadn't given me his permission; I had bitten him out of pure instinct, my own inner wolf coming forth and taking control of my own mind and actions. Yet, at the time Jacob had seemed very pleased with the fact that I'd marked him, claiming him as my mate. His cocky smile told me that he was still listening to my conflicting inner thoughts.

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