Chapter 20; An Unexpected Escape

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Chapter 20; An Unexpected Escape

Snow had fallen during the early hours of the morning, - well before the sinking of the moon and the rising of the sun - dusting and blanketing out the dominant features of the land. My uncle, Chandresh and also Jacob had all set out from the ranch earlier that morning, heading out upon horses in order to bring my uncle's herd of Caribou back in from the craggy moors and back onto the ranch.

The daylight was dim, as the sun had barely breached over the horizon, casting an aurora of magnificent lights across the dazzling sky. The colours were stunning and vivid, as they weaved in and out of my sight; bright reds, dazzling orange and startling yellows. Deep and light shades of aqua, blues and greens; some were even fuchsia, striking pinks, purples and indigos against the cloudless sky.

I'd been left upon the ranch alone; my own anger at my discovery and towards Zebb had left me wanting and seeking solitude. I had convinced Jacob to go with my uncle and his father, as I knew that I wouldn't be good company for him today and I also didn't want him to actually see how much my pack being torn away from me, was actually effecting me. 

In the short time I had spent with my own old pack, I had never once wanted or tried to control them; I had only wanted to better protect the wolves. They had been my friends, an extended part to my new family. Yet, Jacob still expected me to just forget about them. Well, I couldn't, and Zebb was going to pay for what he had done.

The pack of sled dogs howled restlessly within the barn, dragging me out of my thoughts, as I stood staring up at the beautiful swirling cloudless sky. Walking slowly and dragging my own two feet, I set all of the dogs' kind of free, re-chaining them outside and feeding them while I was there. The dogs did settle somewhat, but they still seemed quite on edge, howling and barking into the cold fidget air. They were also pulling at their chains, as if they were actually trying to break free.

Shaking my head and leaving the dogs to their own devices, so they could tire themselves out. I walked slowly, cutting across the ranch, deciding that I should go and check on Blacky. My uncle had brought the horse out of the stable, setting him free within one of the snow covered paddocks, so he could stretch his legs and burn off some of his pent-up energy.

Walking around the paddocks wooden fencing, I watched as Blacky pranced within a tight cycle, tossing his head up at me happily in welcome. Leaning up against the wooden paddocks fencing, I waited for Blacky to approach, as he half walked; half pranced his way over towards me.

Reaching out with one of my hands, I stroked my hand down the horses' nose, giving him a good scratch between his eyes. Blacky's hair was soft and silky; snorting and nudging at my hand, he was expecting me to take him out of his paddock.

"Not today, boy; I have to wait for everybody to return, we've got the herd being moved back into their own paddock today."

Blacky snorted unhappily, turning away from me, as if he had actually understood every word I had spoken to him. Climbing carefully up onto the wooden paddocks fencing, I got myself as comfortable as possible, as I watched Blacky walk around his paddock in a sulk, with his head bowed and cast down.

As the time slowly past, the clouds had slowly crept back into the sky, releasing another soft trickle of snowflakes across the already frozen land. Blacky tossed his head and kicked his out legs at the cold strange white stuff falling from the sky, falling all around and gently onto his body.

Laughing, the sound of my vibrating voice caught Blacky's attention, drawing him back over towards me. Rubbing his head, then his body along the front of my legs; Blacky came to a complete halt before me, his back perfectly level with my legs for me to climb onto his bare body.

"I don't think so, I can't ride you without any saddle or reins; I could hurt you, boy."

Blacky didn't seem to listen or to take notice of my human words, pushing his body up against me and wobbling the wooden paddocks fencing. I lost my balance, falling forward onto the horses back. Half hanging on, I had no choice but to climb on or to drop to the frozen ground below me, which I couldn't even see from the dangerous angle I was hanging and positioned from.

I didn't really fancy dropping to the cold solid frozen ground below me, as I knew there was a high chance of me slipping, falling down onto my bum. An image of me being trampled by Blacky's hooves had also come to mind; so I fought to pull myself up, straightening myself outright in the process.

It wasn't as easy, as it looked, - trust me. Lucky enough, I had my inner wolf's strength to aid me; otherwise I would have just slipped straight back off. Giving one smooth gentle pull, I was up, straight and sat upon Blacky's bare back.

Moving slowly away from the paddocks fencing, it felt so strange to me riding Blacky without any saddle or reins. I could feel every muscle of Blacky's movement beneath me, as I also realized that I had nowhere in which to place my hands. Holding gently onto the side of the horses' neck, I was so afraid of falling, as Blacky walked gently picking up his pace.

It didn't take long for me to get the hang of it, my confidence slowly building with each passing turn of the wide open paddock. Blacky's paddock was fairly large, it needed to be, for the amount of energy the horse seemed to burn off daily.

The snow crunched beneath the horses' hooves, as Blacky went from a slow walk, to a sudden prance, through to a steady jog. Shocked and jolted by the sudden up-take in speed, I nearly slipped sideward's, as I just managing to keep a hold on my grip.

As I was wearing no gloves, my hands were freezing and numb, barely able to hold onto Blacky's silky neck. I didn't want to pull on his hair or to damage his mane, so I did my best with just holding onto the side of his neck. My feet also had nowhere to go, so instantly, I gripped tighter with my legs.

Gradually, Blacky picked up his pace, cycling his paddock with more and more speed. My hair flying out behind me, it was only my adrenaline in which was now keeping me upon the horse. I was terrified, - I will openly fully admit that - but it was also a thrill, a rush of excitement.

On cycling the paddock, for I don't know how many times, I briefly caught the rumble of hooves approaching. Trying my best to glance around, my hair recovering and catching my face; I was trying to re-catch the sound, when Blacky suddenly changed his direction completely startling me.

The wind suddenly blowing my hair from out of my face, I spotted my uncle, Chandresh and Jacob re-entering the ranch. They were quite spread out, my uncle coming up the rear, as a heard of Caribou walked in between the centre of them.

Blacky had lined himself up with the wooden paddocks fence, stopping his cycling of the paddock completely. Seeing and knowing the horses' intension immediately, as Blacky snorted and pounded the frozen ground with his hooves. I closed my eyes, releasing a scream, as Blacky took off sprinting towards the paddocks wooden fencing.

My scream had alerted the others to my plight, but it was too late, there was nothing any of them could do but watch, - not even me. Leaning myself forward and clinging to Blacky's neck for dear life, my heart literally stopped beating the second the horses' feet left the ground and never restarted again until the horses' feet had land safely upon the other side of the wooden paddocks fence.

Once safely over the paddocks fencing, Blacky's stride neither halted nor slowed, as he by-passed Jacob and the herd of Caribou, Chandresh and then my uncle. The horse only seemed to pick up more speed and pace, as his path was cleared and the land opened up steadily before him.



Newly edited chapter....



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