Chapter 2

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Genji jumped from the building top to another, the recall went through last night and Lena was the first to answer. He was soon after as the rest of the old team, chipped in some time later. It would be nice to see them all again. Winston gave them five days for them all to get to the base, so Genji had time to kill.

He had to get to Hanamura to see his brother, he knew where his brother would be the night of the attack. Hanzo was one for tradition a flaw he now found useful to his task. Pulling out his device it had been some time since he made contact with his friend. He dialed the number on his device as he synched it up to his helmet.

"Hello?" A timid voice said over the device.

"Mei, you haven't headed to the recall location have you?"

"Genji? What? Uh... Not yet, why?" Mei asked as she stood in her pajamas in her apartment. Her freeze gun laid out on the table as she trudged over to the couch and sat down a bowl of broth in her hand.

"Can I crash at your place for the night?" Mei chocked a bit on her soup. Giving a small cough she set the spoon down as she glanced around the messy room.

"Yah when are you going to be here?" Mei question. Getting to her feet she started to pick up some of her clothes.

"I'll probably be there by dark. You haven't moved have you?" Genji asked as he jumped to another building, the backpack on his back hitting him. His hand laid on the handle of the wakizashi as he came to stop overlooking the main part of the town. The map appeared in the far left corner of his vision as it mapped out the way he could go.

"No I haven't and this isn't much of a warning." Mei stated.

"Yah, sorry about that. I wasn't planning on leaving the temple, but since the recall. I need to take care of something back home." Genji fell silent. Mei could feel the emotion through the receiver as she understood that it was something big he had to do.

"What do you want for dinner?" Mei asked as she heard the ninja laugh. A quick jump and Genji landed on another building, before sprinting onto the next roof.

"Whatever you want is fine." Genji stated. Mei gave a small groan before pulling the device between her shoulder and ear. She scooped up some nuts and bolts, dumping them into a box.

"Do you like pork?" She asked as she heard the ninja huff a breath before a crash. "Genji! Oh god are you okay?" She questioned.

"Yep, fine. Roof wasn't as firm as I thought it was."

"Why are you running on roofs?" Mei asked as she relaxed, the breath she was holding in escaped.

"Faster than the ground. And yes I like pork." Mei smiled as she walked over to the counter and grabbed her set of keys. She stopped looking down at herself, remembering she was wearing pajamas.

"You said dark, so like around 20:00 you'd guess."

"Yah, I'd say around there." Genji responded as he screeched to a halt, his device buzzed as a message flew across his screen.

"McCree?" Genji whispered.

"What about the cowboy?" Mei asked as she turned the device on speaker and started to get dressed.

"I just got a message from him. Apparently... huh..." Mei stopped as the cyborg went silent. Her shirt was partly on as she grabbed the device.


"He asked me if I was in Japan. Apparently he's heading over there tomorrow and liked to meet up." Mei smiled as she pulled the shirt the rest of the way on.

"That'd be nice wouldn't it?" She stated as the robot fell silent. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Blackwatch." Genji responded. Has it really been that long, he's changed so much in that time. Don't get him wrong, he kept in contact with the mercenary a lot making sure they at least talked to each other once a month.

"That was a long time ago." Mei stated snapping Genji out of his thoughts.

"Ten years. Yah it's been a while."

"Are you alright?" Mei asked. Genji was still silent, the last that he had heard of blackwatch was in the news. He knew of the explosion that killed his father figure. He often regretted leaving the team, after all he saw McCree as a brother more than a partner. Gabriel treated the two boys as his sons and saved the ninja more times than he could count.


"What? Sorry, I was just thinking." Genji stated as he pulled the device from the bags pocket. Responding he asked when and where the mercenary would like to meet.

"It's okay. Just tell me so I don't think you've been shot or something." Mei stated as she finished making herself up. Satisfied she grabbed the device and walked out into the living room, she continued to clean.

"Will do. Sorry for worrying you."

"You never worry me. I just want to make sure nothing bad happens."

"Thank you." Genji stated as he jumped onto a passing bus.

"Well, I'll stop distracting you." Mei said.

"I'll see you tonight then."

"Of course, see you later sparrow." Mei stated as the call dropped. Genji held tight to the bus, he wasn't really paying attention anymore. His mind wandered to finding the confused ice woman. He was doing Lucio a solid as the musician said. He said that they uncovered this woman who'd been frozen for years and that she needed help to get settled in.

Genji was a bit reluctant to help her out right away, but after meeting the girl he really enjoyed her company. He helped her find a place and she fixed up some of his armor to take extreme colds. She was always willing to help and Genji made sure to keep in contact with her as well. When he had finally settled in the temple, she came to visit. Mei loved the place and would often poke fun at him as he did to her.

When she heard McCree call him sparrow over a call while he was settling her in. The nickname just sort of stuck with him, the nickname Reyes gave him. He chuckled at the memory as he looked around the area as the bus came to a stop. Jumping down he headed down the street as people would stop and look at him. He was used to it by now, the man who didn't belong to humans or omnics. He was his own breed in a sense. Originally he was rather self-conscious about himself, but after being under Zenyatta he has learned to love his new body. He was still alive after all and that made all the difference.

A few people bumped into his shoulder and they swore something in their native tongue before moving on. Genji just rolled his eyes as he kept moving, he needed to be there on time.


Hey guys. I'm going to upload the first few chapter and then well have to see when I'll get the chance to upload. I'll try to create a schedule but I can't promise anything until I get set up in my new place.

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