Chapter 12

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Genji watched as Hanzo landed on the street before rushing off towards the castle. He shifted as his hands brushed against the stones of a building. Genji watched as his brother climbed up the large wooden door as he climbed over. He followed his brother as Hanzo drew an arrow from his quiver.

As he watched his brother fight, he was rather surprised by his brother's appearance. He always knew Hanzo was always the prodigy son in his father's eyes. But now looking at him, Genji could mistake his brother for his father if he didn't know any better. His hair pulled up the way his fathers used to be, as grey strands sprung out from the sides. A long piece coming out of the tie as it fell around his face. The only difference between his father and Hanzo was the facial hair. Genji remembered how his father would yell at them if they were uncut.

He guessed that the down fall of the clan allowed his brother to grow the facial hair he always wanted. Hanzo made short work of the guards of the castle as he made his way into the main courtyard. Genji jumped to another building, making the jump as he did. Grabbing the edge of the building. He glanced over in the direction of his brother praying he didn't hear anything. Thankfully, the older Shimada was far enough away.

Genji scrambled up onto the roof as he rushed to the top. He could see Hanzo as he went into the entrance of the castle. Catching his breath, he slipped down from the roof and climbed up the side of the castle wall. Settling himself in a spot in the rafters he watched his brother and turned the lights of his armor off. Genji watched Hanzo as he approached their father's old sword. The wall art that Genji now noticed, had a cut running along the right corner. Blood splattered against the white background of the fabric. Genji's stomach tightened as he watched his brother kneel down. Placing his bow beside him and dig in a bag that he had at his hip.

Hanzo set down a bowl, a small stand and a feather. Genji recognized the tradition of remembering one who has passed. He remembered his father doing it for sometimes days after his mother's death. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself enough for what was about to go down.

"You are not the first assassin sent to kill me. And you won't be the last." Hanzo states as Genji's lights begin to glow. Effortlessly Genji jumps down from his position and lands. Pulling himself up from his crouched position he caught himself in. If Hanzo believes him to be an assassin he might as well play the part.

"You are bold to come to Shimada Castle, the den of your enemies." Genji said as he scanned his brother over.

"This was once my home." Genji was aware of his brother's intentions before he made them. "Did your masters not tell you who I was?"  Grabbing his bow an arrow was already placed as it was fired toward him. Genji bent dodging the incoming arrow as it sailed past him and into the courtyard behind.

"I know who you are, Hanzo." Genji snapped as a surprised look crossed his brother's face. Grabbing another arrow Hanzo spins the string a bit allowing the arrow to curve. Genji easily moves as the arrow misses him by mere inches before landing on the other side of him. His left hand on the ground as he glanced up at his brother.

"I know you come here every year, on the same day." He says as he starts to rise to his feet from his dodged position. Another arrow flew as the younger ninja spun going behind a pillar with a thin screen in front of it. An arrow rips through the thin material where his head was seconds before. Getting low another arrow tears through the pillar beside him. He flexes his hand pulling the shurikens forward. "You risk so much to honor someone you murdered."

Genji spins out from behind his cover as the three shuriken's fly. Hanzo dodges them but the fletching of a few of his arrows are cut off. The shuriken's stick in the wall glowing a faint green as Hanzo grabs for another arrow.

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