Chapter 11

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"Mercy please." Genji moaned. The device was leaning against a few books so it allowed the camera pointed at the cyborg. His chest plate was off and Genji was messing with the wires and different parts. He was trying to figure out what happened during that shock, the pain wasn't getting easier to bear.

"I'm trying Genji, but I can't figure it out either." The angel stated as she scanned the screen on her hand held pad. Mei walked besides her holding the device with the image of Genji tinkering with his wires.

"How am I going to be able to deal with Hanzo, if it hurts to walk?" Mercy shook her head as she read the scan again.

"The only thing I can see to fix is on your back. You can't exactly reach that though."

"What about McCree?" Mei chirped as Mercy nodded her head.

"He wasn't answering. I tried to get him to come help me before I called you." Genji admitted as he unspun a bolt near his side.

"Hanzo comes at what time?" Genji glanced over his shoulder at the open balcony. A large clock was further in the distance, but he knew it wasn't long anymore.

"Maybe an hour or so." Genji stated as he removed the metal on his side.

"Whatever you do, don't move that fan." Mercy said as they walked into her office. Digging in some drawers she pulled out a few schematics that she still had on Genji's body.

"Wasn't planning on it." He chuckled as another bolt of pain tore through him. He flinched on the screen getting a faint gasp from Mei. "I'll be okay."

"It looks like there may be a way to stop some of the pain for now. How long it will last, I don't know." Mercy said as she flipped to another schematic.

"Sounds good to me. What do I have to do?"

"You aren't going to like it." Mercy stated as Genji glanced at the screen.

"What does that mean?" Mercy gave a soft smile before spinning the paper in her hand a bit.

"There appears to be a way to cut the pain in half. However, if you get hit hard it'll be knocked back into place. The other thing is, you'll need a shuriken to hold it still. You'll have to place the shuriken up along one of your vents. It'll hold a green wire along with a small button. If you get it positioned correctly, it'll cut out a fair amount of the pain."

"And if I knock it out of place?" Genji asked as he clenched his fist calling forth his shurikens.

"It could fall and go into the vent causing your breathing to malfunction." Mercy said with a kind smile.

"That doesn't make me feel very good about this plan." Genji stated as he groaned from a shock as he pulled one of the shuriken's off his hand. Yet here he was about to do this absolutely ridiculous plan. Was he that desperate? Yah, he was. He had an hour before Hanzo arrived, and if he couldn't fight him what was the point then. He would die by his brother's hand a second time.

"Genji did you hear me?" Mercy asked.

"What? Yah." Genji whispered as the healer crossed her arms.

"Really what did I say?"


"Exactly." Mercy stated.

"I'm listening now." Genji said as he moved so his side could be seen by the doctor.

"Alright, carefully move the shuriken to a 60 degree angle. Before you move it up into the topmost vent." Genji took a deep breath before doing as the doctor said. He was shaking as small sparks rippled through his arm. Biting his lip, he tried to calm himself as Mercy watched on making sure it was right.

"You should hear a faint thump when you hit the button." Mercy stated as Genji nodded. There was a moment of regret after the nod as the electricity seared. Gritting his teeth, he pushed the shuriken further up the vent. He could feel it scraping against the metal. Sending his already over stimulated nerves over the edge. It took a few minutes before he finally heard the faint thump and the electricity seemed to almost stop.

"I think I got it." Genji said, pulling his hand out and flexing. Not much electricity seemed to go through as he moved.


"So what does that button do?"

"It puts you into a less powered mode. The less power surging through your body the less electricity that hurts you."

"Wait how am I supposed to fight him when I'm not at my best?" Genji questioned. Mei spun the camera towards herself.

"Keep your distance from him, the less actual contact you have with him the better." Genji groaned as he grabbed his backpack and slung it on.

"I guess. I'll call you guys on the way to the base." Genji stated as the doctor nodded.

"Genji!" Tracer shouted as she blurred onto the screen.


"Be careful love." Trace whispered before Mei shut the device off. Slipping the device into a pocket on the bag he walked over to the ledge. Shutting and locking the balcony door he made sure it was locked tight. Turning he prepared to jump to the next building. It was an easy jump for him, but as he started to move, his body screeched in response. A lot of his strength seemed to almost be nonexistent. Flexing his shoulders, he climbed up onto the railing, perhaps if he got closer it would be better. He turned the lights on his armor off hoping to contain some of the power that his body may need during the fight. It appears this was going to be one heck of a night.


Last chapter before the YouTube video "Dragons".

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