Chapter 9

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Genji lit the candles as he set them up around the room. He discovered earlier that the power to the building shut off once the tours were finished. He walked out onto the balcony as the moon hung high up in the sky. The faint honking and shouting of the city filled the air as the wind whirled into his bedroom.

Slowly, he sat down on the ground as he crossed his legs. His left hand remained extended as his right closed into his palm. His eyes fell closed as he took a deep breath, the whirl of his vents filled his ears. He was used to it by now, it was his rhythm it allowed him to relax. Genji called out to his dragon, hoping to receive an answer this time. When he tried earlier, he was answered with complete silence.

"Relax, Genji." The dragon whispered. He could feel Ryu's presence as he watched him from somewhere he couldn't see.

"I am relaxed."

"Hm... I can feel the uneasiness in you." The dragon of the north wind stated. "That plus your vents get loud when you're upset." Genji broke his concentration as he chuckled. The glow of the dragon swooped in front of him as the being's head came into view.

"Can't hide much from you." Genji stated as he pulled himself out of his mediation pose. He got to his feet and leaned against the metal railing and gazed down the tower.

"Does your presence in the tower bother you? Or is it the weapon's presence?" Ryu asked. Genji clicked his fingers against the railing thinking. He bit his lip as he thought and took a deep breath. The whirl of the vents filled the silence.

"Do you think he meant it?" The dragon was silent as it glided around the young man. Genji's lights dimmed as he attempted to make himself less noticeable.

"Genji I don't think we-"

"Answer the question..." Genji hissed as the dragon stared down at him. "Please."

"Perhaps it would be wise to call Zenyatta." The dragon stated as he disappeared. Genji took a deep breath and adjusted the face place.

"Avoiding the question. Smart dragon." Genji whispered as he walked into the room and over to his bag. Digging out his device. He remembered getting one similar so in case of emergencies he could keep in contact with the omnic. He grabbed the device and jumped onto the bed. Clicking the call button he waited as the tower was filled with the eerie silence. He remembered him and his brother running through the halls screaming and laughing.

"Hello?" Zenyatta, said. Genji snapped himself out of his thoughts as he looked at the omnic on the screen.

"Hey, master."

"You alright, Genji?" Genji fell silent as he glanced around the room.

"No, I'm not. I believe this was a mistake master." Genji stated as he rubbed his hands together. The small spark rushing through his arms and he reached up unclipping the face plate. Setting it beside his leg, he leaned more into the headboard.

"Explain it to me." Zenyatta stated. Genji couldn't think of the words, and grabbed the device. Walking out into the hallway, he pointed the camera to the sword, allowing the monk to see it.

"That is the blade my brother used." Genji whispered. "You told me that he probably regretted the action, but that says otherwise doesn't it." There was silence from the monk.

"You told me that Hanzo never had a choice once he became the head of the clan."

"He didn't."

"You believe it was he who put it up?" Zenyatta questioned. Genji fell quiet as he moved back into the bedroom. "I can tell you are uneasy in the temple. Is there something else going on?"

"It's hard to be here." Genji admitted as his device buzzed. He picked it up flicking away from the visual of his master. He chuckled as the message from Mei came onto the screen, she wanted to talk to him.

"It appears I'm not the only one that you must speak to. Call me back once you have spoken with them." Zenyatta stated as he ended the call. Genji grabbed the plate and returned it to his face as he dialed Mei's number.

"Oh, Genji. How is Hanamura?" Mei asked as her image appeared on the screen.

"It is different."

"Like good different or worse?" Mei questioned as she walked out of her room. The grey hallway caught his attention as a faint beat filled the air. Genji chuckled as he heard Lucio shout down the hallway at Mei.

"Who you talking to ice queen?" Lucio asked. The dark haired man skated into the image as he looked up at the device. "Heyo, Genji." Lucio laughed as he took Mei's arm and guided her down the hallway.

"How are you Lucio?" Genji asked as he tinkered with his wrist.

"Fine, fine. Yo when you gettin here, genj?"

"Not for another day or so." Genji stated as he noticed the camera picking up speed. Before hitting something and stopping.

"Lucio be more careful love." Tracer said as she turned the device around. She smiled as she fixed her tank top as the accelerator glowed.

"Genji!" She laughed seeing the cyborg on the other end of the call. Genji smirked hearing the girl's voice. He only met her a month before he left Blackwatch, even if it was only for a few weeks they became quick friends. The British woman's spunk and energy filled the room with a light glow. Even the soldiers of blackwatch couldn't stay angry or gloomy around the young pilot.

"Hello, Lena."

"Genji?" The swish voice cut through the hallway and the device. Genji could only smile as the golden hair of the doctor appeared on the screen. Her eyes a radiant blue as she gave the ninja a faint smile.

"It's been too long." Genji stated as the doctor blushed.

"Yes, it has been." Angela answered as there was chuckling out of sight. "You coming back to Overwatch?"

"Yes, McCree and I will come once we finish what we came here to do." Genji admitted.

"What are you doing?" Lucio asked. Genji fell silent at the question.

"I... um... I went home."

"Like to the old blackwatch base?" Tracer asked.

"No, to Hanamura." The four fell silent as they stared at the screen. Mei grabbed the device back from Angela.

"How about you show me around your room?" Mei asked as Genji relaxed a bit. He got off the bed and grabbed the device walking around the room. The four gathered around the device watching as he told stories and what things were.

"Can you bring me some Japanese ice cream?" Lucio asked as Genji chuckled as he leaned against his bedroom door. The next thing he knew, he was on the ground in the hallway his device out of reach. He grabbed the device not realizing that the camera had flipped.

"Sorry, I guess my bedroom door isn't as sturdy as it once was." Genji laughed as he looked at the screen, noticing where the device was pointing. The sword was in view and the four were dead silent.

"Genji?" Angela started, he clicked the end call button not wanting to hear their concerns. Biting his lip, he headed back into the bedroom.

"Call them back." Ryu hissed into his mind.



"I need to be alone right now, alright." Genji snapped as the dragon fell silent. Genji pulled at the metal on his wrist, ripping off the top layer. He ran his left hand over the wire in his right as he closed his eyes. His vents were hissing and they were making his head hurt. Maybe this was a bad idea?


Almost to there.

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