Chapter 6

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McCree wasn't exactly quiet when he was awake, but Genji assumed the man would be quiet when he slept. Well he was most certainly wrong about that, as the loud snoring echoed through the bare room. Genji sat up and glanced at the sleeping man on the ground. He considered throwing a pillow at the cowboy hoping it would either shut up or cover his open mouth. Looking over at Reyes he noticed the man had a pillow over the exposed right side of his face. His arm laid over the pillow holding it steady as he slept soundly.

Swinging his legs off the bed, Genji grabbed his bag and dug out a few things. Getting to his feet, he slipped out of the room and headed down the hallway. Spinning the two cups in his hand and the small container of tea in the other he headed towards the lunchroom.

The tables filled the dining room. Genji easily jumped the break in the wall, landing in the kitchen. He crossed to the stovetop and began to dig around for something to keep the liquid in. Finding a pot, he filled it with water and set it to boil. He continued to dig finding a thermos, he set it next to the stove. Once the water was bubbling he dropped the tea bag into it. It would be nothing like the tea that Zenyatta would make. It would have to do either way. The tea finished and he dumped the contents into the thermos.

He headed towards the deck, noticing that no one was awake. He shook his head and walked out into the salty air. It filled his lungs, the salt stinging his nostrils as he headed up some steps. Climbing up onto the top of the wheel house. Sitting down, he ran a hand through his hair as he set the two cups down and filled one with the warm liquid. The warmth ran along his throat, coating it in a pleasant heat. He looked up at the stars as the sea hit the side of the boat, making it crash. It was a pleasant sound, a calming sensation that seemed to relax his senses.

A faint green glow surrounded him as he closed his eyes. Ryu swung around him, the dragon watching the water over the edge of the boat.

"Do you think he thinks about me?" Genji asked as he opened his eyes and looked up at the dragon. Ryu lowered himself down towards his master as he floated beside the man.

"If he didn't, then why would he return to the temple each year?" The dragon whispered. Genji smiled as he took another sip of the warm liquid.

"Do you think he'll forgive me?"

"For what? For being alive."

"For not coming sooner..." Genji responded as the dragon took a deep breath.

"Genji... I-" The dragon fell silent. Genji looked up at the dragon as it disappeared. He was confused for a moment. A blanket fell around his shoulders and he was a bit shocked. Reyes sat down beside him, a faint black mist surrounded the man's shoulders. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and a black hat.

"What are you doing up kid?" Gabe asked. Genji shook his head, he didn't want to tell his old mentor his nightmares. They weren't his burden after all, he couldn't do much to help.

"Couldn't sleep." Genji lied. Reyes chuckled at the statement.

"I can tell when you're lying sparrow. Now, what's really wrong?" Gabe question as Genji fell silent. His fingers tapped against his cup as he thought. Taking the other cup in his hand, he offered it to Reyes. The man took a minute before taking the cup and Genji poured some tea into it.

"I can't taste anymore Gen." Genji smirked at the statement.

"It's okay. It's warm, trust me." Genji said as he took another sip of the drink.

"Sometimes I forget you can't taste either." Reyes stated as he took a drink of the warm liquid. Gabriel closed his eyes as the warm liquid seemed to almost cool his smoke off.

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