Chapter 14

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The first thing that Genji was aware of was that his face plate wasn't on. He flexed his finger, and he noticed there was no pain as he tested the rest of his body. He sat up and ran a hand against the back of his neck, hearing the metal hit against his metal spine. Looking around the room, he noticed he was in an Overwatch bunk room. He smiled as he got to his feet as he sort of stumbled to get his sense of balance back.

How long had he been out? Shaking his head, he swayed on his feet for a minute before eventually getting some of his balance back. He headed towards the door and opened it before heading out to find someone.

"GENJI!!!!" A voice shouted as he turned and a blue blur rushed towards him. Lena rammed into the cyborg knocking him to the ground as she wrapped her arms around him. Genji gave a groan as his sensors seared for a moment not expecting the force.

"Hello Ms. Oxton." Genji moaned. Lena got up and pulled Genji to his feet.

"Sparrow you're finally awake." McCree stated as he walked towards them.

"Yah, um... care to fill me in?"

"Yah sure." McCree stated as he pulled the cigar from his mouth. "Found you out cold not too far from the castle. I'm guessing you fell or something. Tried to wake you up and you won't. Called in Lena to come get us." McCree said as Genji nodded.

"Genji?" Genji stopped his cheeks becoming red. He turned on his heels as the golden hair caught the ninja's eyes. Angela gave him a faint smile as her right arm rubbed against the sweatshirt sleeve on her left arm.

"Doctor." Angela snickered. Her blue eyes met his for a moment before she brushed some of the falling strands of her hair from her face.

"You feeling better?" Angela asked.

"Yes, very much so. I thank you." Genji said as she laughed.

"I would like to make sure your system is working correctly for sure. Would you mind if I check?" Angela question. Genji smiled as he nodded his head. Angela took his right hand, entwining her fingers in his metal ones. McCree waved at him as he sort of grabbed Lena by the arm, dragging her off in the other direction.

"How have you been doctor?" Genji asked as they walked into her workroom.

"Good. Happy to have the team together..." Genji stopped staring at her for a moment as the doctor froze. Her eyes were on the picture of her, Jack and Reyes. The three were smiling after a tough mudder, and the brown earth seemed to coat them all from head to toe. Angela's golden hair was coated in a layer of the dark clay as her arms were around the two men. They were holding her off of the ground as she laughed. A smile seemed to be smeared onto all their faces.

"Again." Angela whispered. "It'll never be the same, will it?" Angela asked as she looked over at Genji.

"No. But we can be better. They built an empire, but it got destroyed. It's our turn to build. We will rise by their hands and we will become stronger like they always wished." Genji said as he felt the realization filter through him. She wouldn't know that Reyes was alive, actually he couldn't tell her. If Angela knew he was still alive, it could destroy the current Overwatch team that was building.

"Your right." Angela whispered. She smiled at him as she patted the table, beckoning him up onto it. Genji jumped up onto the table as Angela grabbed some of her equipment.

"You feeling better?" She asked.

"Yes, much better. How bad was I?"

"A few things out of place, you were lucky the shuriken didn't fall into the vent." Angela said as she walked around him and removed some of the metal along his spine. His sensor surged as she dulled the pain. 

"Yes, I am." Genji stated as he felt her hands expertly move around the wires and pieces of metal. It was a nice change to have someone else do the task of making sure his body was up and running. His mind began to wander as he heard voices emitting from the hallway. He could hear Winston as the gorilla spoke to the few people in the base. Genji never realized how much he missed being back at the base.

He hadn't had a home in years, he barely remembers what one actually feels like. The temple would never be a home, it was a place that he can go and recollect. Shimada was by no means a place he liked to be. All that remained of that vile castle was the tainted memories of the past. Even after confronting Hanzo, he would never be able to return without a sour taste on his tongue. The base, that wasn't a home either. He wasn't fond of Blackwatch all that much, he hated the feel of death that seemed to loom along the hallways. It reminded a bit of reaper and how he sort of brought the idea of death.

Genji shook his head as he heard Angela hiss something at him. She probably told him not to move or something of that nature. No, his home was here. It was where his friends were. Where the people he claimed his family were. This was his home. Angela finished her examination as she put the metal back into place and screwed it in.

"There's one final thing." She said as she walked around the cyborg.

"What is that?" Angela looked at him for a minute. Turning on her heels, she walked over to the door and locked it. Genji slipped off the table as she rushed into his arms.

"I missed you..." Genji whispered.


Two chapters remain guys. I hope you are enjoying the story!

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