Chapter 8

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"You promise you'll get us a ride to the airport." Genji stated as he walked with McCree into the city.

"The hell, don't trust me sparrow."  McCree chuckled as the temple came into sight. The cowboy fell silent as they both stared up at the towering brown and white building. Genji could feel his mouth go dry as all his thoughts seemed to screech to a halt. He didn't even remember the last time he walked among the great halls. He couldn't remember a time when he saw his people happy to see him or not trying to run in fear.

He closed his eyes as he felt a surge ripple from his left shoulder. He looked over at McCree as the man gave him a comforting smile.

"You going to be okay?" Jesse asked.

"Yes. I should find a place to set up for a while and get ready. I will send you a message once I'm finished." McCree nodded as Genji pulled away from him.

"Gen." Genji stopped looking at the man for a moment. "Don't do anything too stupid alright." McCree said with a smile before heading off into the crowd. Genji lowered his eyes before heading towards the castle. Climbing up onto a house he perched himself there. He watched as people toured the lower half of the building. He jumped onto the side of the building remembering how many times he would climb up and down. He could remember Hanzo catching him time and time again as he snuck out to meet up with a girl.

"Genji, don't go out." Hanzo cried as he looked out the window at his brother.

"I'll be back before morning." Genji stated as he looked up at Hanzo. His brother's hair fell around his face as he watched him for a few moments.

"What happens if dad finds out you left?"

"Can you cover for me?" Genji asked as he stopped on a sill. Genji could see the anger on his brother's face, but there wasn't much he could do about it. "Thanks!" Genji yelled before jumping to the other building.

Genji landed with a faint thump in his room and he scanned the area. Pulling the backpack from his back, he let it fall to the ground as he moved swiftly around the room. A picture of his family caught his attention and he picked it up off the wall. The dust coated his metal fingers and he could feel his eyes stinging a bit. Setting the picture back, he moved to the sword stand as it sat on the table beside the bed. He traced the silver metal remembering the blade his father gave him as a child.

Genji took the blade in his hand, noticing the lightness of the weapon and he easily spun it. He chuckled as he remembered him and his brother practicing for hours. He remembered falling asleep under one of the many cherry blossom trees that littered the grounds. He recalled the sweetness of the lemonade that his mother would bring them out to drink. His smile faded as he returned the blade to its proper place. His silk bed sheets were almost untouched. They lay right where he remembered them that fateful morning.

Shaking his head, he walked around to the rest of the room, taking in the memories silently. He could hear people talking in the tower, but he didn't care. They wouldn't come up here, they wouldn't bother the man lost in his memories. Genji walked out into the hallway before stopping and staring at the end of the hallway. His mouth went dry as his hands clenched at his sides.

The blade hung above the stairwell, a decoration to all those who enter. A symbol of a child who killed his brother for the corrupted leaders of the Shimada clan. There was still blood on the blade, his blood. Genji couldn't believe he kept that stupid blade. He couldn't believe that the man was displaying the murder like a hunting kill. Was his death like mounting an animal on the wall, was he a trophy?

Genji's shoulders shook as the tears started to stream down his cheeks. He unclipped the face plate and let it fall in front of him. He never wanted this body, he wanted to stand by his brother and defend him as the leader of the clan. Genji sank to his knees as the sobbing racked his body, he hated it so much. He didn't even notice the black smoke as it flew away from his window.


Another chapter down.

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