Chapter 7

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"Have you ever thought about using a gun?" McCree asked as they sat on the deck. Gabriel sat on top of a storage container watching the two as they practiced. Genji had his full gear on as he watched Jesse spinning his peacemaker on his finger. He wanted to throw a shuriken and knock it off him, but he knew how well that would go over.

They were supposed to be docking that afternoon and he was nervous beyond all reason. His fingers drummed against his leg as the thought. He had thirty six hours to get rid of yet, how was he going to do that.

"Sparrow, you listening?" Genji snapped out of his thoughts at his nickname.

"What? Oh... Sorry. I was thinking."

"You alright, you were like that yesterday as well." Reyes stated as he cocked his head looking at the ninja.

"Yah." Jesse said as Genji crossed his arms.

"Just have a lot going on."

"What's going on that's botherin you so much." McCree said as he leaned against a container.

"I..." Genji froze. "I'm heading to the castle." Gabriel coughed from the water he was drinking. Jesse dropped his gun to the ground as he attempted to catch it. A loud bang and the bullet barely skimmed Genji's foot.


"You're going back. Why?" Reyes blurted.

"I need to see my brother." Gabriel fell silent as he slipped down from the container.

"Well this got interesting." Jesse stated.

"How so?" Genji asked a bit confused.

"It looks like you two are headin to the same place." Jesse said. Genji looked up at Reyes and cocked his head giving off the idea of his confusion.

"I'm assuming were going after the same thing." Gabe stated. Genji's eyes widened as his hand went to the wakizashi.

"I don't believe for the same reason."

"What do you mean? Aren't you going to kill Hanzo? The last member of the Shimada clan, the one thing you've tried to do for years. To kill the Shimada will be a great thing for us all." Gabe smiled as he looked at Genji. It only took him a few steps to be in front of Gabriel. Although the ninja was a bit shorter than the phantom he was still a menacing sight.

"You will not kill him." Genji hissed.

"This coming from the man who made it his mission years ago to kill every single one of his people. A man who killed his family for the sole purpose of revenge. Now you are telling me not to kill the man that did this to you." Reyes stated gesturing towards Genji's body.

"I have come to peace with it. I have learned to forgive my brother." Jesse laughed at the statement.

"Don' lie to us sparrow." A flick of his wrists and the Shuriken hit the cowboy's hat. Pinning it to a container, the man glared at Genji.

"Back off kid." Jesse snarled as his right hand, sat on the grip of the peacekeeper.

"Peace? You haven't a peaceful bolt in your body. All you have is anger and rage, don't even try to hide it." Gabriel stated.

"My anger died with Blackwatch." Genji snapped. "I have learned the error of my ways." Reyes turned grabbing his shotguns. Strapping them to his side he took his cloak in hand as the smoke started to rise off his shoulders more.

"You spent a few years in the mountains with a dumb omnic, who taught you things."

"He is not just an omnic he's-"

"Enough, you wish to do this your way. Then so be it. Too bad were aren't on the same side Genji." Reyes stated as he fixed the cloak around him.

"Who sent you to do this?" Genji asked. Reyes stared at him for a moment before grabbing the mask from his belt.


"You betrayed overwatch." Genji shouted as he pulled the blade free with his left hand and the shuriken's flicked up on his hand. Gabriel put the mask on as the smoke flowed more around him and he pulled forth his guns.

"You're joking." Reyes hissed in his deep voice.  "Overwatch never cared about us. We were a problem and once we were gone the better. So I took care of it." McCree's cigar fell from his mouth.


"You killed him..." Genji whispered. Reaper didn't say anything as he yanked up his guns and fired off a round. Genji swung up his sword slicing through the bullets as some deflected backwards.  The phantom started moving forward. The shots spreading out a bit more making it harder for Genji to continue to dodge or block. Another bang filled the air as a bullet dug into Reyes's shoulder, and he gave a pained groan. McCree fired another shot as Reaper turned into smoke and flew off the boat.

Genji rushed to the edge with McCree at his heels as the ninja jumped up onto the railing.

"He's gone." Genji whispered before looking over at McCree. The man was sitting on the ground spinning the cylinder of his gun. Silently, Genji walked over to the cowboy and sat down beside him.

"He killed Jack..." McCree stated as he rubbed his face a bit.

"I don't think he meant to." Genji replied. He remembered the one time he had caught Gabriel and Jack making out in the hallway one night. Genji made sure he wasn't seen as he took off the direction he had come, but that didn't mean anything he guessed.

"He didn't mean to kill his boyfriend." McCree whispered. He looked over at Genji as he wrapped his arm around the cyborgs shoulder and hugged him.

"What for?"

"For not lyin'."


God guys. This might be a few days late but I really can't tell. I got a new phone and it doesn't have the alert for when I update. I'm sorry if this is late or if its early I really don't know. Anyways I hope you all had a great weekend or day. I really don't know when you guys are going to read this.

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