Chapter 15

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Winston stood in front of the group going over the little details they had about the mission. They were to head somewhere out in Egypt. Genji was fiddling with the pen that sat in front of him as he wandered through his own thoughts. He was waiting for his name to be called. This information didn't need his attention at the moment, he needed to figure out where he was going to be.

"So does everyone understand?" Winston asks as everyone shakes their heads. "Good as for the assignments." The scientist started as he picked up the pad from the table. Flipping to his notes, he cleared his throat.

"Alright for the infiltrators we have McCree, Torbjörn, Lucio, and me. As for the defense on the outside. We have Mei, Lena, Mercy, Reinhardt who will be meeting us there and a new recruit by the name of That is our team, alright we leave in an hour." Genji looked up at the gorilla for a moment.

"I'm sorry Winston you didn't say anything about me." Genji stated.

"Oh, yes Genji. I think it would be better if you remained here at the base." Genji was a bit surprised by the statement.

"What? Why?" Winston smiled as he pulled something up on his pad.

"Athena picked up traces of something wandering around the base this morning. After a little investigation-". Winston spun the pad around allowing Genji to see the image of Hanzo. "I believe you should deal with him." Winston stated.

"Yes, sir." Genji replied.

"Now then, we leave in 50 minutes." Winston stated as he left the room. Genji pulled off the face place and squeezed the bridge of his nose. Why did he come? Getting to his feet, he tried to think of a way to deal with this situation his brother had thrown him into. Grunting, he walked out of the conference room. He felt a shadow as it followed him along the corridor.

"Yes, Jesse?" Genji asked, turning to look at the cowboy.

"You going after him?"

"Why wouldn't I? He came here for a reason." Genji stated as he started to walk again. Jesse huffed a breath before following the cyborg.

"I ain't goin to let you do this alone." Jesse said. Genji chuckled at the statement as he walked up to the main door of the compound.

"It's alright you know." Genji responded as he walked towards the woods. How did Hanzo even find the base? He would have to ask him that once he found his older brother. Glancing around the area, he took a deep breath as the vents gave a faint whirl.

"Hanzo?" Genji questioned as he leapt up onto a tree branch above him. Jesse grunted as he leaned against the tree watching the ninja as he jumped to another branch.

"Isn't he a ninja?" Jesse asked. Genji glanced down at the cowboy as he lit a cigar.

"No, he's an assassin. Like you." Genji responded as he climbed up a bit further into one of the trees.

"Assassin? An assassin isn't a mercenary." Jesse yelled up at him.

"They are similar."

"Not in the slightest. A mercenary works for money, an assassin doesn't always work for money." Genji shook his head at the statement. If Jesse believes it, Genji wasn't going to correct the cowboy. Climbing up higher Genji perched himself atop of a branch, overlooking a fair amount of the woods. His sensors synched for a few moments as it scanned the forest for a heat signature.

An arrow hissed past his head catching him a bit off guard. Nearly losing his balance he almost toppled from the branch. Steadying himself by grabbing the branch with both hands. He looked in the direction that the arrow had flown. Climbing down from the tree he landed next to McCree with a thud. He could hear movement as Hanzo walked towards them, an arrow on his string.

"Who's he?" Hanzo hissed, pulling the string back. Jesse smirked as he scanned the archer over.

"I'm his brother." Jesse snapped as he pulled the cigar from his mouth. Genji rolled his eyes, as Hanzo gave the two of them a curious look.


"McCree!" Genji yelled at Jesse laughed.

"Messing yah kid." Jesse said as he turned heading towards the base. "Come on you idiots." Genji shook his head as he gestured for Hanzo to follow him. Heading back towards the base, he slowed his pace as he watched his brother follow him from a bit of a distance.

"You honestly think he's allowed inside." Jesse asked as Genji walked over to him by the entrance to the base. Hanzo scanned the area from a distance still uncertain about the whole situation.

"Yah, and I saw the way you were looking at him." Genji snickered. The mercenary went red as he pulled his hat a bit over his face.

"Not lyin, he is rather cute." Jesse admitted.

"Didn't know you swung that way." Genji stated as Jesse headed into the building.

"Shut the hell up Sparrow!" Jesse shouted. Hanzo looked at the cyborg for a moment before the words settled in.

"Did he call you...?" Hanzo started. Genji felt his cheeks go red as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yah... I told him a story once and he heard the nickname and it sort of stuck. Come on in." Genji stated.

"Welcome back agent Genji." Athena said as she fell silent.

"Thank you Athena." Genji responded to the A.I. He led Hanzo along the corridor, making sure to keep him away from the other members of overwatch. He knew if Winston knew Hanzo was in the building there would be problems.

"How about you stay in my room until the other members leave." Hanzo nodded as he followed the ninja through the halls. Genji stopped outside of his door and unlocked it, allowing the archer into the room. It was a simple room with two pictures on the wall, a dark green mat laid on the ground. Other than that the room was bare and empty. Hanzo glanced around the bare room for a moment before moving to look at the pictures.

The first image was that of a dark skinned man lying on the ground a younger version of McCree curled up beside him. The two were fast asleep as they seemed to almost snore from what the image indicated. To the right of the man slept a partly put together Genji, tubes ran from different machines to his armor.

"What happened?" Hanzo asked.

"It was during the last leg of my surgeries. They refused to leave." Genji stated. Hanzo didn't respond as he looked at the other image and froze. His eyes widened as he plucked it from the wall. It was an image of the two of them as children. They were playing in the courtyard of the castle, a few other people moved around in the background. Genji remembered how their mother begged them to sit still for even a few moments.

"You okay?" Genji questioned.

"I was going to ask you that question." Hanzo whispered. Genji fell silent as he felt the sensors as they clicked to life. This was going to be an interesting few hours.


Sorry for the late update guys. It won't happen again promise.

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