Chapter 16

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Genji climbed up onto the roof of the building, ignoring the faint chill in the air. Sitting down, he looked at the forest that lay behind him. He focused his breath as he heard the faint grumble of Ryu.

"That went better than I thought it would." The dragon whispered. Genji pulled the plate off his face and set it beside him. The moon glowed against the black sky, filling the land with its brilliant light.

"It's weird you know." Genji started as the glow of the dragon swirled around him. "It's strange to be around him. It isn't what I thought."

"What did you think?" The dragon questioned.

"I thought I wouldn't see him again. I thought I forgave him and that was that." Genji ran his fingers against his arms. The faint sparks lit up his body, making his senses sting. "I didn't know what would happen after. I thought... I originally thought about returning to Nepal but then..." The dragon gave a soft hum as it took up its form. Lowering itself close to the ninja it stared at him with curiosity in his eyes.

"You expected it to be back to the way it was back then." Ryu stated.

"In a sense, yes, I did." Genji responded.

"Oh Genji. You know as well as I do that it will never be as it once was. This is the way things are now, you must get used to them." Ryu perked up looking past the cyborg. Genji turned to see Hanzo walking towards him.

"Did I wake you?" Genji asked.

"No." Hanzo responded as he walked closer. He stopped a foot or so in front of the sitting ninja as Genji turned his face away from him. He didn't want the archer to see him, not this way at least. Genji couldn't allow his brother to see him without his faceplate that was his weakest form.

He hoped Hanzo would leave him, but he instead sat down on the ground beside the former Blackwatch member. Genji took a deep breath, trying to calm himself as his mind yelled for him to leave.

"It's a beautiful night." Hanzo started. Genji could feel the eyes of the archer as his watched the cyborg for a moment or two. He knew Hanzo was looking for a response, but right now he wasn't about to get one.

"Are you okay?" Hanzo asked after a few moments.

"Why are you up?" Genji questioned as he heard his brother shift.

"I woke up and you were gone. Athena told me you were on the roof." Hanzo stated. Genji cursed that dumb A.I. Genji felt Ryu as the dragon whirled through his mechanisms. His body reacted to the dragon's presence.

"Is your dragon angry?" Genji shook his head no. Hanzo took a deep breath as Genji felt around behind him for the faceplate. His one security, the one thing that made him feel safe in this type of situation he didn't have. His fingers touched the metal and he gripped it about to put it on his face. Hanzo grabbed his arm, stopping Genji from putting the plate on.

"Look at me..." Hanzo whispered.


"I know why you don't want me to see your face. I get it. But please, let me see my brother that isn't shrouded in metal and the dark." Genji was silent for a moment before turning to look at his older brother. Hanzo scanned his face over and for a few moments, the silence seemed to echo through the air.

"Does it hurt?" Hanzo asked not releasing Genji's arm.

"Not like it once did." Genji admitted. Hanzo lowered his eyes and turned away from the cyborg for a moment. Genji closed his eyes as he calmed his breathing. Opening his eyes, he noticed Hanzo looking him over once again.

"You are... really him?" Genji froze at the question. Was he still the same brother, he knew back when he was young? Was he still the same sibling that preferred the ladies to the love of his own family. Or the destiny that his father had imagined for him? No, he wasn't the same man that argued with his brother. He wasn't the same man that died on the floor of Shimada castle.

Genji wasn't the same person that worked under Gabriel Reyes. He wasn't the senseless killing machine that they made him to be, he had a heart now. He wasn't the brother that McCree knew during his time in Blackwatch. He wasn't the same man who was stricken with horrible memories or nightmares. That filled his mind every moment of every day. He wasn't the same person who hated his body and the situation he was thrust into. He wasn't the same person that tried to kill themselves on many occasions.

But he was the same man that awoke to McCree crying over him, telling him he was going to be fine. He was still the man that made a promise to him to never try to kill himself again. He's still the same guy that swore by Ana's cooking. He was still the same guy that played games with Fareeha, and joked around with Reyes and Morrison. Genji was the same man who decided to leave Blackwatch and figure out who he was and where he belonged. He was still the same guy who stumbled upon Nepal and Zenyatta.

He was still Genji, he was still one of the few members that remained of the Shimada clan. He is still the son of the most well-known illegal empire in Japan. He is still the ninja that loved to fight, and who loved the challenge of battle. He is still Hanzo's little brother. 

Genji took a deep breath as he gazed over at his brother. The wind seemed to almost disappear as the creatures of the night fell silent.



That's it guys. That is the end of the story I hope you all enjoyed it. Also I hope you all have an amazing day!!! I'll see you all later!

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