Chapter 4

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"So McCree is meeting you at the docks?" Mei asked as she sat on the couch. His back was to her as she messed with the wires in his left shoulder.

"That's what he said."

"They aren't far from here, you know. Maybe about two hours at most, by car. But with your speed it might take you an hour at most." Mei stated as she pulled on a small piece of metal before moving it to a different position. Genji felt every movement she made and it stung a bit against his arm, but he kept quiet about it.

He flinched away from her as she spun something else as he dug his fingers into the rug.

"You know. You should tell me if I'm hurting you." Mei said as she looked at the cyborg.

"It's alright, I've had worse pain." Genji stated.

"That's why I don't want to hurt you." Mei said as she put the last wire in place before putting the armor piece back on his shoulder. She screwed the metal back into place as Genji got up and moved his arm a bit. No pain that was a good thing.

"Thank you, Mei." Genji said with a bow. Mei chuckled as she got up and grabbed his helmet and mask.

"Can't forget these." Mei stated as Genji took the helmet and reattached it to his neck. It wrapped around his head more securing itself into place as he slipped the plate on. The faint green glow illuminated the room as the tint made everything come out green.

"Thank you again."

"You don't need to thank me sparrow." Mei laughed as Genji smiled under the plate. She couldn't see it, but she knew that he was smiling.

"Five days right?" Mei asked as she looked at Genji. He grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. He situated the single strap across his chest.

"Yes. I will see you then."

"Alright, I'll tell Angela you said hello." Genji blushed a bit and Mei chuckled. She knew about his little crush on the doctor, it was obvious even when Lucio spoke of the woman. Whenever he talked about his mentor, she noticed Genji would get unnaturally quiet. She doesn't think Lucio ever noticed.

"Thank you." Genji stated as he opened the door of the apartment and was about to take off.

"Be safe, sparrow." Mei said as the door shut behind the ninja. Genji descended the stairs and headed towards the direction that McCree said.

"Why a boat?" Genji asked as he walked down the street. A few looks were cast his way every once in a while, but he just ignored them. His mind was elsewhere. He remembered the young man that always seemed to get on his nerves and irritate the hell out of him. He remembered the boy who got a hat as a Christmas gift one year and never took it off.

Genji smirked at the memories of him stealing that dumb hat and running through the halls of the base.
Jesse giving chase not far behind as they rounded the corner and ran straight into a living wall. Reyes glared at the two boys as they came to a screeching halt, and Jesse took the chance to grab his hat back.

"Genji why did you steal his hat?" Reyes asked as he gave him a stern look. Jesse rushed back down the hall away from the leader of Blackwatch.

"Cause I wanted to try it and he wouldn't let me." The look on their leaders face turned to laughter. He wrapped his arm around the twenty one year old's shoulder as the two headed back down the hall.

"Be nice, to Jesse. It's Christmas after all." Gabriel said as he ruffled some of Genji's growing hair. It was still rather short and taking a long time to grow, which bothered the young ninja.

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