Chapter 5

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Genji was silent as McCree finished telling his story. Genji reclined against the baseboard of the bed, as he spun the face plate in his hand.

"That.... I'm sorry Jesse." Genji whispered. He could hear McCree laugh at the statement and a smile spread over Genji's lips.

"It's been almost two years now. I'm used to it. You get the recall notice?" Genji sobered from his laugh.

"Yah, I don't know if I'll go yet." Genji stated.

"Well I will if you do." McCree said as he cast the ninja a smile.

"Alright, sounds good to me." Genji chuckled. A faint knock came from the door and McCree basically jumped to his feet.

"Finally." McCree stated as he crossed to the door.

"Have I met him before?"

"I hope you have." McCree said as he opened the door. A swirl of black smoke flew into the room before clumping together, to create a figure. The white mask taking shape as the black gear formed. The two shot guns hung at his side and the shells lined his chest.

Genji jumped to his feet, his sword sliding from its sheath easily.

"Reaper." The phantom laughed as his clawed hands rested on the handles of the guns.

"I'm not here to fight boy." The man in black snarled.

"Yah, right." McCree stepped between the two as he rested a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Relax were all friends here."

"Friends? McCree why would you bring this mercenary here." Genji snapped.

"What don't recognize me kid?" Reaper asked. Genji gave the two a confused look as Reaper reached up and pulled the mask off his face. Pushing down his hood, Genji froze. The sword fell from his hands as he rushed forward wrapping his arms around his supposed dead friend.

"Reyes.... How?" Genji whimpered. Gabriel chuckled as McCree joined the embrace, and they stood in silence for a few minutes.

"Look at you, sparrow." Gabriel laughed as he smiled at Genji. "I see that Jesse has joined the family business. What about you Shimada?"

"I've been living in Nepal for a while now." Genji stated as he undid the rest of his helmet. Casting it onto the bed, he got a curious look from Reyes.

"You dyed your hair back." A quick run through his hair, Genji nodded.

"Green was a bit too much." Genji laughed. McCree smiled as Reyes set down his bag on the other bed.

"Who's getting the floor?" Gabriel asked.

"Not me that's for sure. I'm old and can't sleep on the ground." McCree answered.

"Now wait a minute, your only two years older than me. You can sleep on the ground." Genji stated, McCree cast the cyborg a look.

"Boys, don't argue." Gabe started only to get cut off my Jesse.

"Hey now, do you want to make this a fight. We can make this a fight Shimada." Jesse spat.

"I know you won't be able to hit me McCree." Genji snapped. A clawed hand grabbed Jesse on the shoulder. Throwing him into the wall as Genji went flying into the other.

"Enough, I don't want to clean up any blood. Genji you get the bed tonight and McCree gets the bed tomorrow. I'll deal with the rest later alright."

"Yes sir." The two men said at once.

"Now how about we get some food." Reyes laughed as the two nodded.


I know guys short chapter and I'm sorry about that. Its almost memorial day and everything is just sort of piling up. So next chapter I'll make it longer. So have a good vacation or weekend.

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