Saying goodbye

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"It far away from the house we going on a jet to the place." My eyes open wide i didn't know it was going to be that far at all well now I know. "Are you done eating." Ask cole and I nodded and he grabs my empty plate.

Today was the day that we are leaving our house to go to the place which I still don't know where it is. I was wearing a dress with very light makeup on and some black flats and that was it and cole had on a blue suit on which he looks so charming in.

As he looked at the time and than back at me "cupcake it time let say our goodbye to our mother." I nodded and we walked to the living room to see my mom and his mom "what is it time already?" I nodded and my mom stood up and I hug her she pulls me towards her and whispered in my ear saying "good luck." And I knew she meant about me and cole having sex.

I just rolled my eyes and hugged my soon to be mother in law and we both left and grabs my luggage and his luggage and we left the house he puts the luggage in the back seat and we go inside the car before he starts the car he looks at me and says "are you ready?" And I smiled at him.

"Of course I will always be ready." And he drives away from the house I turn my head and said goodbye to our house. I was waiting for this day to arrive and finally Today is the day I'm very excited I wonder how far it is from our home it probably really far away if we are taking a jet.

"Cole is jet we are taking yours." I asked him and he shakes his head "no it my dad." And I see his hands clenching the steering wheel tightly I grab the hand that not on the steering wheel and I hold it. "Sorry I shouldn't have asked that I know you and your father don't get along very well."

I said to him "it okay." And I saw his Adam apple out "I was surprised that he let me use the jet I thought he hated me since he left us." He said and I look at him with pity " hey he doesn't hate you cole even though he made a bad decision in his life he stills cares for you." I said to him.

I feel him stroke my palm "maybe he does can we change the subject please rose?" I sighed I know that he doesn't like to talk a lot about his dad it just a touchy subject for him. "Okay than are we almost there to the jet or not?" I said and he shakes his head. "We are not even close to the jet it pretty far away you should get some sleep in order to have energy for the place we are going too." I look at him and I nodded.

I listen to what he said and I went to sleep with the sound of cole humming a song that I didn't know the name of............... "rose...rose." I felt some shaking me and I groan "five more minutes cole I'm tired." I said shifting my body around gosh why is the bed so hard today. "Baby get up we have arrived to where the jet is."

I slowly open my eyes and than I remember that we are going away. I look to see that it already night time I see cole and I smiled "sorry I'm hard sleeper." He nods "I think I already know that." I stood up and   He starts to walk towards the jet I look at the back seats and I saw that our luggage wasn't their oh lord how long was I out for?

I walk towards the jet and I see the pilot waving at me "hello welcome." And I gave him a smile I enter inside the jet too see there was a small plate that had bucket and on it was wine and their was foods on it. I see cole sitting down on of the seats and I go next to him.

"Wow this jet it cool." I said looking around when the pilot spoke "hello I am the pilot of this jet that own by your father I been working for him for 9 years. So don't worry I will make the ride as fast and as safe as I can you can move throughout the ride but only when I speak on the speaker and say you can also please listen when I speak in the speaker because it can be important and if it not than you don't have too well than okay let go." He said smiling at us and opening the door and closing it.

"So how long we in the jet for." I ask him and he looks at me "well we be arriving hopefully around the morning so around like 10:30 or 11:00." I nodded. I look at the time and it was only  8:30 pm. But at least that good because I will be sleeping throughout the whole night.

"Okay hold on it time to go." Said the pilot through the speakers I look at cole and he looks at me "are you ready." He asked me and I nodded I lean in and I kiss him and he kiss me. I can feel the jet moving and than we went into air I lean my body towards the window and I saw the lights from different buildings and stores and I continue on seeing it as it was getting smaller and smaller.

When the pilot spoke saying we can walk around I went and I grab us a glass of wine and some nice little cupcakes I walked towards him and I sat down "let's do a cheer for us." He said and I nodded we did a cheer and we drank our wine it was really good even the cupcake was too.

"I can't wait to see your reaction when we get there." He said and I raise and eyebrow "what if I don't like it?" I asked him playing around "oh you will love it trust me you will." And he stays quiet after that and I looked away from him I was in my own little world until I felt him leaning on me I turn my head to see he has fallen asleep aww so cute.

"Goodnight husband." I whispered to him and I did the same thing as well.

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