Cookie Has An Asthma Attack.

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*Cookie And The Boys Get Back From A Board Meeting, And They Are All Excited That They Were Finally Out And Actually Had Fun.*

3rd Person POV

"HA! As handled that damn board meeting!" laughed cookie as she and her cubs entered her penthouse front door, forms in their hands. They had just came back from a board meeting. Though the objective of the meeting was for it to be serious, they lyons ended up making it enjoyable and bearable for themselves. Cracking jokes from time to time really makes the task be completed faster. They did all the work that needed to be done, but cookie nor lucious could deal with a boring board meeting on a Friday. "Yeah ma, you were killing it! You and dad took over the presentation together.." laughed Jamal. "And you made fun of his example drawings!" laughed Hakeem, covering his mouth trying to suppress his yelps. "I never thought that dad drew THAT badly.." chuckled Andre as he shook his head. "Oh shut up, you know your daddy is an artist!" said cookie, starting her voice out normally, then of which is turned into a loud roar of laughter. "Then he started getting mad, and tried to talk about people at the table.." laughed Hakeem. "Then mom said that if he chopped that ponytail off, we wouldn't have anything to say about him..damn ma.." laughed Jamal loudly, now the whole room was feeling their eyes water from the humorous flashbacks. "And then dad said that mom got so much junk that she ain't got enough trunk.." laughed Andre as cookie laughed harder, and playfully rolled her eyes as she tossed her phone and jacket on the couch, and changed from her heels into her slippers. "Today was a damn comedy session.." said jamal, making everyone continue to cry out in laughter. Cookie laughed so hard, her eyes started to water, and her mascara began to run down her cheek. Her sons walked into her kitchen as they and cookie continued to laugh. All of a sudden, she felt her chest began to tighten. She began to struggle with breathing, she let out a gasp, and then another after another, constantly searching for the air that was seeming to struggle to flow throughout her lungs. "*WHEEZE*, *GASP*, *COUGH*, *HUU*, WHEEZE*" she constantly urged to breathe. Cookie had asthma, and it's the absolute worst case. She has it so badly, to where they could break out from the strangest thing, like a thunderstorm. And they're so hard to calm down for her, she'll get to panicking and not want to focus on anything but finding her inhaler. Every time she has an attack, it's severe. She's had it since she was 12, but over time it had gotten terribly worse. Everyone least that's the only secret that's not hidden in the family. Her sons heard her from her kitchen. "Ma? Ma are you good?! Oh damn she's having an asthma attack y'all!" said Hakeem, rushing over to her. She put up her hand for them to calm down, and she reached into her purse for her inhaler. She took the top off of it, and pressed the button. Nothing came out, it was empty. Cookie tried again and again, and her panicking and breathing became worse. "I-i'm out! *WHEEZE*" she panicked. "Ma we'll be back we're going to go get dad!" shouted the boys, as they ran out. They all left because they planned to split off around the building, knowing that he could be anywhere, and desperate to find them as fast as they could. Cookie rushed to her bathroom, where she kept another inhaler in the drawer. She pulled it completely out, allowing it to crash onto the floor. She felt her chest tightening more and more, and her wheezing, huffing, and puffing became louder and louder. She found another, and quickly put it into her mouth. Empty. She began to panic even more, and rush around the house looking for anything to help her breathe. "*COUGH*, *WHEEZE*, *WHEEZE*, *HUFF*" she let out, louder now. Her hand was resting on her chest, and she turned the entire house upside down searching for any possible inhaler, hoping that something would possibly be there even though she only had two. She figured that maybe she could go find lucious herself, so that people would know what was going on with her. She started to walk towards the door, and then suddenly collapsed onto the floor. She felt life and death flashing before her, the room becoming darker and darker every 3 minutes. She breathed so loudly, you could possibly hear it from down the hall. "*WHEEEEZZEE*" she urged out. Just then, lucious and the boys bursted into the room, rushing over to her. They hardly heard her breathing as loudly as she was before. Her eyes were still. "OH SHIT, BABY!" shouted lucious kneeling down beside her. He knew the entire procedure to help her calm down and regain her breath. Lucious quickly turned her onto her back, and he took an extra inhaler out of his chest suit pocket that he kept with him for her. He watched her as she stared up at the ceiling, her chest hardly rising. He placed the inhaler into her mouth and pumped. As soon as he did it, she quickly held the inhaler as he had his hand on it, trying to get all of the breath that she possibly could from it. He pumped about 4 times, and it was empty. Once he pulled it out, she continued to breath in a panicking tone. Still having an attack. Lucious helped her sit up, and he turned her to face him as he sat on the floor with her. He grabbed her face as she breathed quickly, begging for air. He now had to coach her while the boys went to get her breathing mask from the infirmary. "Hey...hey. This isn't the first time you've dealt with this, cookie. This isn't the first time. You know exactly how to deal with this." he said to her, but she kept looking around the room for an inhaler. "M-my inhal-*cough* *wheeze*-er." she begged. Lucious sighed. "LOOK AT ME. look at me. Breathe cookie. Come on, don't you dare stop breathing." he said to her, she still struggling. "You did this before, you've been through this. Don't you dare stop breathing. Breathe slowly, in and and out.." he said to her, looking deeply into her eyes as she still yearned for air. "You're a soldier cookie, it'll pass...just calm down. Breathe dammit, breathe." he spoke. Her breathing slowed down, but she still wheezed, it was just more separated. She raised up her hand, and placed it onto lucious' face. "Keep looking at me. You can control this, you can do it without your inhaler. I'm right here cookie, Don't you give up." he said to her. "It's just me and you. You have to be tough cookie don't you let something like this hold you down.." he said to her. Her breathing eventually slowed. She coughed, and sniffed as she panted at a normal pace. "Take your deep and out cookie..." he said. Once she was finally calm, Lucious sighed and hugged her, the fear still in the process of leaving both of their bodies. "You scared me to death, girl. I can't lose you. Come on now." he spoke, kissing her cheek and forehead as she put her face in his neck. The boys came in with an asthma mask tank, and rolled it over to her. Lucious had her laying against him on the floor as he sat upright, and she started to slightly have another attack again. He quickly put the mask onto her face, and turned it on. She slowly calmed down, and she closed her eyes from wariness, and slowly breathed. Lucious rocked her in his arms, and she just relaxed now that she had her air again.

Later that night, the lyon family sat on the couch watching television, cookie sitting on lucious' knee with her mask over her face. She rested her hair onto his shoulder as she stared at the screen, he rubbing her back and holding his hand. Everyone was quiet. This wasn't a rare thing for cookie, it happens sometimes. She coughed a couple of times, and Lucious kissed her cheek. Lucious broke the silence. "What made her have an asthma attack?" he asked. "I think was laughing so hard about the board meeting today, that it made her lose her breath and when she tried to inhale it was difficult.." said Andre. "I almost lost my mind today...thinking I could have lost you. I was so close..but the only think that matters is that you're okay now..." he said kissing the back of her hand and rubbing her back. Cookie breathed as slowly as she could..


I Hope You All Enjoyed This Chapter, Asthma Is A Very Serious Thing, And I Would Never Make A Joke Out Of It. It Is A Life Threatning Situation Any Time It Happens. I Don't Have It, But For Anyone Who Does, I Hope You Can Overcome It.

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