If I Make You Leave, Make Sure You Come Back Home To Me.

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*Lucious causes Cookie to leave the mansion, and she decides to spend time away from him for two weeks*

3rd Person POV

A Lyon and his queen are always set out for arguments. Love is a force that can be broken, shattered, and torn, but never will it lose that force.


"That $400,000 you had meant less to Enpire than you do to me now." Sneered Lucious. Cookie stared at him. Her eyes watering and her soul being picked apart by each word he cursed towards her.

Her eyes began to water from anger, and she shook her head. "You're lying." She Said, tossing the golden spoon into the sink from the ice cream she was eating. That his his name on it.

She stood up, walking to the fridge and placing the ice cream back inside of it, with all of the other items that Lucious leveled as his. "I don't believe you." She Said, pointing towards him as she headed towards the doorway of the kitchen.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" He Replied, sipping from his gin. She exited out of the kitchen swiftly, giving no reply.

He stood up and followed after her. "Where are you going now?" He asked. He heard his keys jingling. She ripped hers off, tossing his onto the brown table and staring at him in silence. Her eyes watering, her tears falling reluctantly.

She turned to the front door, opening it wide and walking out without it shutting. Lucious stood back for awhile, then slowly approaching the door, watching her leave for a moment before he slammed it shut.


For the past two weeks, Cookie started out feeling dark, and in such a burden. She didn't want to talk about anything, think about anything. All she felt was anger, but especially pain.

However, Cookie had people behind her. And as sick of Lucious cookie claimed she was, she was no match for her sisters' hatred towards him. They refused to allow her to be feeling depressed about a man who acts that bitter towards her.

"He's hurt, Cookie. And embarrassed. So he takes it out by treating you like you aren't a damn thing instead of talking it out like a man." Said Candace. "We're not going to allow you to keep feeling this way because of him. We're going to start going out, having fun, and you're going to do all things you want to do without Lucious, because you're a free single woman, now." Said carol. Cookie figured it was a joke at first, until they actually began to motivate her.

Cookie began going out to eat more, laughing, talking. She no longer hesitated about looking at other men. She didn't feel bad about going out to clubs and having a good time. Or dancing with another man.

She didn't feel embarrassed about letting mean strip tease her at afterparties or buy her a drink.

Cookie didn't remember what it felt like to be single. No ring on her finger, no company to even attend to.

Cookie began to have the time of her life, and continued to do so for the past two weeks.


Present Day

"Carol I can't believe you got us reservations at that place! I'm surprised you could afford it." Said Cookie, chuckling to herself as she sat on her white penthouse couch. Champagne in her hand, and her legs folded, television playing.

"Maybe after that we can go to the new restaurant down by the movie theater. After the movie theater, dummy." Laughed Cookie. "I'm gonna start getting ready once Candace gets here. For the first time I can't pick out an outfit, I don't know what to wear to a place like and only Candace and her white ass husband go there." She Said.

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