The Pill.

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*Lucious Decides To Play A Prank On Cookie, And Put Female Viagra In Her Drink.*

Lucious and Cookie came in from a long day of work ready to relax and get some rest. Cookie sighed as she walked into the kitchen after getting out of her coats and jackets. "Lucious I'm so tired..." she sighed. "Me too baby, we were on a roll today though.." he smirked, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek. She turned and pecked his lips. "Don't be trying nothing.." Cookie smirked. "I'm not.." he smiled. He then got an idea. The last time him and Cookie had some intimate time together, it was fall. It's just about spring. That's been like...4-5 months. Lucious wondered how he would be able to make the best sexual experience ever for the both of them. "Baby, I'll be back, I'm gonna go to the store right quick- why?- I'm gonna go get us some energy drinks baby. We're way too drowsy, that's what we need.." he suggested. "Yeah maybe, be safe okay?- okay.." he said pecking her lips and then grabbing his jacket and leaving. Cookie went to lay done and relax on the couch.

Lucious got in the car after coming out of Walgreens. "Alright, I'm gonna try to give this to Cookie, I found some women's viagra, and I want to see what this will do to her...I'm not trying to drug my wife, just see if we can try using this. But I can't tell her about it or maybe she won't take it." He said to himself. He figured it'll be even funnier if he denies her urges..


He went back home, and took out the energy drinks from the bag, he tried to be quiet but cookie started to slightly wake up from on the couch. Lucious is that you?" She asked. "Yes baby I'm back, hold on I'll bring you your drink, I'll put it into the wine, you might not like the taste of it I know you don't like energy drinks that much.." he said. He poured in the viagra capsule, and stirred it up. "Hmm, that didn't seem to be enough to do something...maybe just a couple more...." he said. He put two more capsules in, stirred it up and then poured it all in with a glass of whine, making it a pinkish reddish color. He drank his energy drink the way it was, the taste didn't bother him. He walked into the living room and handed it to Cookie. "Here you go baby, I mixed it in so it shouldn't taste so bad now.." he said handing it to her. She grabbed it and she looked at it. "Ooh, pretty color.." She said smiling then sipping it. "Damn, this is good...really good. And I thought energy drinks were all nasty.." she said. "It was strawberry flavor but I figured you still might not like it so I just mixed it up for you." Said Lucious. She took a big gulp and stretched. Lucious drank away at his as well. "I feel like this will help us out for our paperwork tonight.." he said. Cookie agreed. "I'm gonna take a shower after this, I need myself a beauty treatment.." cookie groaned.


Lucious felt his energy kicking in about an hour after his energy drink, he was typing away at his computer while he laid in bed, stuck in his own world, only focused on finishing. Cookie came out of the bathroom in shorts and a T-shirt, walking slowly and licking her lips. "'s hot..." She said to him. He looked up at her, it's hot? Baby it's a little warm but hot? Nope.." he said. She stared fanning herself. "No Lucious, it's like burning up." She Said shaking her head. "Well baby did you take a shower with the water too hot?" Asked Lucious. "No the water was cold...but I don't care anymore...I just.." She said walking over to him, and slowly getting on his lap. "Baby what's up?" "Come here.." She said seductively, leaning up on her knees, having his face close to her body. "Baby- get off the laptopp..." she whined. "Baby why- I just want you to touch me.." She Said. He closed the laptop and chuckled as he began to rub her sides. "Feel right here.." She Said, signaling to in between her legs. He placed his hand on the outside of her shorts. "It's soaking wet baby.." She said. At that moment, Lucious noticed that the viagra had kicked in. "I can't feel it through your shorts." Lucious said smiling at her. She leaned closer to his face. "Well do you want to feel inside my shorts?" She whispered to him, biting her lip. "Not right now Baby.." Said Lucious. "Why do you say that?" She asked him. "Because I gotta do my work baby we gotta work, you have to do yours tonight too.." he said. She leaned in and started to kiss his lips slowly. She stood up on her knees again over him, starting to try to get out of her shorts. "Work on meee.." she suggested. "No baby-" she started to try to push his head down to in between her legs. He pulled away. "Damn Baby Why are you pushing my head down? You don't want to work?" He asked her chuckling. He tilted his face up to hers. "You don't want me?" She asked him, biting her lip. "Mmm, I want you all the time baby you know that, but I gotta work right now.." he told her. She just rubbed his arms looking into his eyes, not really caring about what he was saying. She leaned forward, and stuck out her tongue, licking his lips. He pulled away. "Baby what are you doing?" He asked. She licked and bit his bottom lip. He pulled away. "Damn, That pill really does have her acting a little eager..I doubt it can get any worse than this though, I heard those pills aren't that intense.." Lucious thought to himself. "Baby stop.." he said to her. She sat on her heels, and started to try to get out of her shirt. "No baby what are you doing?" He asked her. "What's wrong with you?" She asked him. "Keep your clothes on Cooks..." he said. She rubbed his arms. "Why don't you want me?" She asked him. "Baby I just don't want to do this right now, I'm working.." he told her. She looked at his pajamas. "Your pants tell me otherwise.." She said rubbing his crotch. She got on top of his lap and began to straddle him. "Baby what are you doing?" He asked her. She put her neck to his lips. "Can you just kiss me right there Lucious, please..." She Said, seductively. He placed small kisses on her neck. "Mmm...Ah.." she moaned. "Baby I'm just kissing your neck- no keep going baby please..." She Said, grinding onto him. "Cookie what's wrong with you, why are you acting like this?" He asked. "Like what?- super horny.." he said. "I'll lock the door baby- baby we don't need to lock the door we're home alone but baby we need to work.." he said to her. "Yeah we do need to work.." She Said, leaning back and laying on her back across from him, her head towards the bed. She started to try to take off her shorts. "Baby stop it please.." he said. "Whyyyyy????" She asked. Baby keep your clothes on it's late.." he said. "But I'm starvinggg..." She Said. "Okay well I'll go cook you something..- I'm not hungry for food.." She Said. "Then what are you starving for?- For YOUUUU...You and your d*ck baby please..." she whined, grinding her hips on him. "Baby it's late..- Baby pleaseeee- please what...?" He asked. She started to try to pull his head down towards her legs again. "Daddy pleaseeee I want you please...feel it...- feel what?- feel how wet it is.." She Said. He grinned at her. She arched her back and let out an annoyed groan. She hit his chest. "Stop teasing me..." She Said. Lucious raised an eyebrow. "HOW am I teasing you baby, I'm not even touching you, beautiful.." he told her. "Stop teasing meee..." She said sitting up. She turned over, and he placed a slap onto her ass. She let out a moan, and arched to lean back further to him. "Mmm...Mmmm slap my ass again baby- Cookie..- Mmmm do it again do it againnn..." she begged. "Baby- nooo I'm not listening noooo..." Said Cookie. She started to try to remove her shorts again. "No Cookie Stop- pleassseeee- please what?- Please give it to me...give it to meeeee give it to me hardddd pleasseeee..!?" She begged. She started to try to put her ass him his face. "No baby uh uh I gotta work..- I want music.." She Said, going to his laptop and changing tabs, then searching up a slow song and playing it. "Really Baby?- I'm gonna dance all over you..." She Said, stretching out her legs and accidentally kneeing him in the face, she rested her self on his thigh, and she started to move back and forth. He was unaware. "Ow! Damn baby- Uhh that feels so good....Mmm that feels so good...- what feels so good baby I'm not even touching you yet- That feels so good...Ah...Ahhhh...!" She moaned. "Baby- Shhhh...! Ahhh..." she moaned. "Cookie...Cookie...Baby relax I know you want it...just relax.." he told her. He stopped the music on the computer. "Stoppp..." she groaned. "I was almost finished..." she continued. "How baby I didn't even touch you..." he said grinning. "I'm having hearts beating so fast..." She Said. Lucious became confused. "Baby I think you need some water...drink something for real.." he told her. She sprung up and roughly moved him to laying on his back. "Oh my god you're so strong for some reason..!" He said. She smacked his chest. "Take off your shirt! Take it off..!" She Said. "Cookie relax.." he said. She tossed her head back grinding him. She started to try to remove it. "It's getting hard for me to breathe..." she coughed. "Baby boo I think you need some water baby I don't This is good..." he said. He wanted to see how far it could go but he started to think she may really need help. She started breathing fast and sweating. "No. I need you nowww..." She Said. He grabbed her hand. "Just rub my hand..just keep rubbing it.." She Said. He did so, she started to moan. "Cookie are you really getting an orgasm from me rubbing your hand??" He asked. She tossed her head back. "Mmm...Ah keep rubbing it...- Cookie are you serious?" He asked, she nodded. "Rub my head baby, please..." She said grabbing his hand. He rubbed her neck, and she continued to moan. He stopped. "N-nooo you have to touch HAVE TO..." she groaned. She started to grind him rougher. She bit her lip. "Cookie please baby calm down.." he said. "Don't I look sexy though Lucious...Mmm..." She Said. "Baby you always look sexy." He confirmed. "Why don't you like me then???" She asked. "Baby I love you- she cut him off by attacking his mouth, kissing and licking at it, sucking his bottom lip and tongue. Every Time he tried to speak she would kiss him again. She sat back up straight, panting and rubbing his chest. She ran her fingers through her hair, staring at him. As time went by, the pills seem to have activated more and more. She just stared at him. "What Baby?" He asked her. She rubbed her hands all over his face. "You're just" She said deeply. She tried to reach her hand into her shorts, he removed them. She tried to rub her hands on his crotch again, she stopped him. "Baby are you okay?" He asked. "Just horny." She replied, biting her lip. "Let me just suck you then.." she moaned, leaning down to pull his pajamas down. He stopped her. "Baby what has seriously gotten into you?" He asked. "Nothing yet." She said annoyed. "Damn I didn't think that the pills would be this strong.." he said, causing her to stop her wild bouncing on top of his lap. "What?" She asked. "Baby I hate that I'd do this to you but I put 3 women's viagra pills in your energy drink, then I mixed it with your wine. I thought it would be something small but apparently not.." he said. "So your ass drugged me?!" She yelled. "No baby that wasn't my plan that's not what I did.." he said. She punched him on his chest. "WHY would you drug me?!..why would you drug me...Mmm..why would you?" She Said, starting to grind him again. She started out angry but then turned into being back to wanting him. She got off of him and leaned down to his pants again. "Now you HAVE to give me some- why baby- because you did this to me..." She Said. "I deserve did this..." She Said. "Please.." she pouted, starting to feel her eyes water. "Cookie.." He said sighing, he actually started to feel bad for her. He actually was afraid of giving it to her, being in fear that she'll be too rough, after she was hitting all over him. His phone began to ring. Cookie leaped back top of him, trying to hold him down. "No Baby I have to answer it, wait Baby it's our sons- no forget them lulu, just f*ckkkk meeee..." she begged. He had to quickly get up, and toss her on the bed then run for the phone. "BOYS JUST GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE QUICK- LUCIOUS!" Cookie Shouted in the background. He hung up the phone and ran as Cookie chased after him.


"Mom!? Dad!? We're here what's wrong!?" Shouted the boys rushing into the house. Lucious came running down the stairs, with a semi swollen eye and Cookie chasing after him. "YOUR MOTHER WONT STOP CHASING ME TO SLEEP WITH ME!" He said running past them. "LUCIOUS COME HERE!" She Shouted, running after him. Hakeem looked confused. "AND THATS BAD?" Jamal called back. They ran back past them. "I GAVE HER THREE WOMENS VIAGRA PILLS TO SEE HOW SHE WOULD REACT! I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SOMETHING SMALL BUT ITS NOT! ITS REALLY NOT!" He yelled as they ran back past them. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Asked Andre. They ran back past them. "I WANTED TO SEE HER REACTION! I DONT EVEN KNOW- Lucious!! LUCIOUS GIVE ME YOUR D*CK!" Shouted Cookie chasing after him. "SHE HAS THE HEART RATE OF AN ANIMAL! SHE GAVE ME A BLACK EYE!" Shouted Lucious. Cookie grabbed him by his arm, and pushed him into the floor. She got on his lap. "Lucious please Lucious please give me some give it to meeee...!" She begged. "Cookie, the boys are RIGHT THERE..!" Said Lucious. "I don't care I just want you. Lucious please Why are you treating me like this, you did this to me..." She Said, kissing his face and neck. "Baby you have to stop being so wild and maybe I'll actually feel COMFORTABLE giving you something..! Be calm baby!" He said to her. She started to whine, and soon nearly cry. "How many pills did you give me?" She asked. "3..." He said quietly. She hit his chest. "Why!? Why would you do that!? Why!?....Mmm...Oooh...Why won't you let me make love to you..." she groaned. " nasty..." Said Hakeem. "What do I do!?" Asked Lucious. "How long does it take to wear off?" Asked Andre. "I think like six or twelve hours.." Said Lucious. Cookie started to try to remove her clothes again. "For the sake of us, mom!" Said Jamal. "Then leave." Said Cookie. "Before I come for you, too." She snapped. "YEP TIME TO GO- YEP TIME TO LEAVE SEE YA MOM GOOD LUCK DAD!" Shouted he boys getting their things. "GUYS HELP ME! IM NOT AROUSED, IM TERRIFIED!" He called after them. The door was shut as fast as lightning, and Lucious was left alone, again. "Cookie, baby please calm down.." Said Lucious. "Baby you don't even have to do anything let me do all the work.." she said. "Baby you have to turn me on first." Said Lucious. "But baby when I get turned on you get turned on.." she moaned. "Let me give you a lap dance then.." she suggested. "Okay that can work but you gotta be calm baby.." Said Lucious. She nodded and began to grind him as she bit her lip.


"Yeah baby, I like that.." Lucious said smirking as Cookie bounced on top of him. Lucious gripped her hips as she tossed her head back. "Do you like that baby?" She asked him. He started kissing on her neck. She started moaning. "Yes...Yes Lucious.." she moaned. "Mmm, you're so beautiful baby yes keep moving like that.." Said Lucious. She groaned in frustration. She then pushed him down and got on top of him. "ARGH! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! Give it to me now! NOWWW!!" She whined. "Cookie-" Cookie started to cry. "Lucious baby you don't understand...Lucious there's a pool between my thighs, I need it Lucious...please...this is so uncomfortable..." she said. Lucious sighed. "Baby get your vibrator- UGH! FINE!" She Shouted. Getting off of him and running up the stairs to find it. Lucious sighed as he got up to go get an ice pack out of the fridge. She accidentally kneed him in the face again, getting his eye when she tried to sit on his face.


He later crept upstairs to see how she was, he was pleased but frightened to hear her loud and violent moaning coming from their bedroom. The woman sounded like she was crying. "UHHHHH! AHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA! YESSSS FUCKING FINALLY! I NEED MORE!" She yelled, causing Lucious to bolt down the stairs and hide in a different room as quick as he could. "Good lord.." he said to himself. "I am NEVER doing that again. We don't need that pill.." he said, burying himself under the sheets and forcing himself to go to sleep as quickly as possible.


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