I Like You, And I Hope That's Okay.

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*Jimmy Fallon and Taraji are close friends. He admits his feelings to her*

3rd Person POV

Jimmy and Taraji sat on the big stage, facing the audience. The large crowd cheering in delight. "Alright everyone! That's for watching the jimmy Fallon show! Goodnight!" He announced.

The crowd roared. Taraji stood up and waved at the crowd. "Goodnight everybody, Whooo!" She shouted, her smile illuminating the talk show stage.

Jimmy looked over at her, staring at her for a moment. He smiled.

The cameras turned off, and the crowd began to exit the studio. Jimmy and Taraji walked off stage in separate directions, her dressing room being on one side and his on the other.

He felt tonight was a success, the crowd loved the guessing game they played. Taraji brought so much humor to the show, everyone laughed at her jokes.

Jimmy adjusted his suit as he headed back to his dressing room. He took off the light makeup he wore to look more appealing on TV. He then began to gather his things to head home.

He reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone to text Taraji. After a couple minutes there was no response. He asked his show director about her whereabouts. "She's still in her dressing room?" He asked.

"Nah, she left out about 5 minutes ago." He said, continuing to brush past him to clean up the set.

Jimmy was confused. She suddenly left without him. Or even letting him know. He saw the band preparing to head home for the night. He walked up to Questlove, signaling for him to step to the side of speak to him.

"Taraji left." He said. The man stared at him in confusion. "Well Jimmy the show is over for the night." He said. "Right, but I was supposed to take her home. You know how close we are, I don't understand why she didn't call me or let me know. She isn't even answering my text, Quest." He said, worry on the tip of his tongue. He tried to hide his concern but all was clear.

"Before she left she said she wasn't feeling well. She said something about a bad headache. Bright lights will do that to you." He shrugged.

"Bright light-bright lights..." the man panted. "A headache?" He asked. He rubbed his forehead, covering his eyes as if he wasn't sure of what to say. Quest put his hand on his shoulder.

"People get headaches, Jimmy. Come on, why are you stressing over this?" He asked him. "I don't know. I guess I'm just a concerned friend. I just get worried sometimes-" Quest shook his head.

"You know." He said. "You know exactly why you're worried, why you're overthinking, and why you're this curious. You know exactly why. If a man says he doesn't know the 'why' of something, then it's something he's trying to refrain from admitting." Said Quest.

"You can go check on her, or you can go home and rest for the night." He said.

Jimmy wasn't sure of what decision to make.

"Thank you, Quest." He told him. The man nodded, and continued to help his band. He dialed her number, calling her. It rang and rang, and when Jimmy thought she answered her voice mail began to speak. Even though he heard it multiple times before, he still listened.

"Now you're not answering my calls, Raji?" He asked. He called again, no answer. He sighed.


Taraji laid in bed, her head throbbing. She came out of the shower a few minutes ago, then just decided to slump onto her bed for the night. She had no energy to do anything. Her phone has been ringing and singing constantly, and she just had to put it on silent.

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