To Fix You

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A/N: If you are out there... you should comment.... comments give me motivation(: 

Chapter 2:

I decided now was a good time to make myself known. I decided to walk out of my bed room and I opened the door just in time to see Lou standing there about to knock on the door.

“Soph!” He cried. “Are you ready to have fun, fun, fun?” He jumped when he said the last ‘fun’.

“Hey Lou.” I said as I ran into him and embraced him in a tight hug. “I’m starved. What’s for dinner boys?” I asked them, as I looked at Niall mainly.

“Whatever her highness wishes,” Zayn said as he walked in front of me and bowed. “You are the princess of the night after all.”

I smiled, “How about Nando’s for dinner and then cookies ‘n cream ice cream for dessert?” I suggest. I saw Niall’s face light up

“Okay! Harry and I will go get the Nando’s and ice cream!” Niall cried before dragging a protesting Harry out the door.

“How about to top off dinner we have a Disney marathon. Considering how much you love it, Soph.” Liam suggested with a wide smile on his face.

“That sounds just peachy.” I responded with a smile on my face.

I know it was a fake smile, but I had to make them think that I was happy. I was too scared to lose them because of this stupid break up. After my last break up, I went kind of AWOL on my West End friends. I was so broken and deep into a depression that they wouldn’t talk to me when I was upset. So when I got better, I ignored them. I figured that if they weren’t going to be there for me when I was upset, they didn’t deserve to be with me when I was happy. It all worked out for the better because I lost those three friends, but I basically gained four more friends and grew closer with two. I had become closer with both Alice and Zayn. Then when Alice left for dance school in Australia, Zayn introduced me to Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry. So now, life was basically perfect. Or so I wanted them to think.

Once Niall and Harry brought home Nandos we all sat in Liam’s flat and ate. I looked around the room at all of my best friends. Harry and Louis sat on the loveseat couch as they fed the food to each other, making us all laugh. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and I were sitting on the sectional sofa that wrapped around a section of the perimeter of the wall. Niall was leaning against the arm rest and had his bare feet resting on Liam who looked quite disgusted. Zayn was on the other side of the sofa. I sat leaning back on the armrest, similar to Niall’s position. My butt was in between the arm rest and Zayn’s hips while I rested my knees on his thighs.

Louis stood up and all of a sudden had the widest smile and largest eyes humanly possible. “Now who wants ice cream and Disney movies?!” He cried as he ran over to the freezer. He opened a drawer, looked inside it, closed it, and then stomped over to Liam. “Liam! Do you seriously not have any spoons?”

Liam just looked at Lou, “Forks are easier to use when you are eating cookies ‘n cream ice cream!” He turned to me, “You can pick out all of the Oreo bits easier with a fork.”

I nodded in agreement and smiled, “Make sense.”

Louis rolled his eyes and walked back over to the kitchen. “Couldn’t you choose something normal to be scared of? I mean spoons? How do knives affect you?”

“Knives are only scary when someone is chasing me with one.” Liam rolled his eyes. “It is perfectly acceptable to be scared of spoons.”

“Whatever, I want a spoon so I’m going to go to mine and Harry’s flat to get one. Anyone wish to join me.” Lou asked.

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