I'm Only Here Because You Stole My Heart

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A/N: Comment(: <3 I love you! 

Seriously wondering how I got 7 reads in like 10 minutes when it is almost 1 A.M. where I live... If you are out there... tell me!!

Chapter 4:

            I spent the rest of the day with the lads. There was a lot we had to do before we left London in a few weeks. Louis and Harry drove two cars to a photography place in the city. I was in Louis’ car with Eleanor, and Niall. Lou and El were in the front seat laughing about a memory from when they first starting dating while Niall and I sat in the back holding hands. I looked into his eyes and smiled. They were deep light blue and just thinking about them gave me butterflies in my stomach.

            “Are you cold?” He asked offering me his jacket.

            “I’m fine right now,” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, “but thank you.”

            Niall put his hand on the back of my head and moved forward as he brushed his lips against mine. This kiss seemed different than the others. It seemed more out of never wanting to stop and not out of relief that we were dating.

            He reluctantly pulled away as Louis yelled at us. “Niall, mate, you cannot snog your girlfriend in my car.”

            Niall started laughing. That laugh, I thought, is the most adorable thing I have ever heard.

            “You and El have snogged enough in front of me. I think it’s time I get you back, eh?” He asked still laughing. He looked at me and kissed my hand. “Are you excited?”

            “Excited for what? I only get to go on tour with my boyfriend and best friends. Of course I’m excited! I just don’t know what we are doing right now.”

            Louis responded from the front seat. “Basically, we are going to pick out the clothes we are going to wear during the tour. We will meet with the tour director and make up and costume crews.” Louis explained at he turned into the parking lot. “All of the clothes have to look like they are a set or something. I say that’s just rubbish.” I laughed and shook my head. “We will all get our photographs taken by some girl named Maisie who will be following us around during the tour, as our photographer.” He said as he parked the car. “Now get out of my car.” El hit his shoulder. “What?” He whined.

            “Apologize, now Lou. That was impolite.” I laughed at the power that Eleanor had over Louis.

            “I’m sorry.” He looked at me and then at Niall, “But seriously mate, get your bum out of my car.”

            Niall leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Louis looked at me and then back at Niall. “Horan, get your own car.” He looked at me and tapped El on the shoulder. “Let’s let them, err, talk.” He tossed Niall the keys. There was something about the way he lingered on the word ‘talk’ that bothered me, “Don’t drive anyway, just lock up the doors when you are finished.” He opened the door and ran around to open the door for Danielle. Together they went inside of the shop with the rest of the lads.

            I turned to Niall and he pressed his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync with each other as my head was cradled in his hands. I pulled away and looked at him as he kept edging his face closer to mine.

            “Was this why you asked Lou to let us ‘talk’?” I asked him as I put my head on his shoulder.

            “No actually it wasn’t.” His face turned a bright crimson. “I just really wanted to kiss you.” He planted a kiss on my nose. “You know I love you, right?”

            I smiled. “Yes. Of course I know that you love me. You know that I love you, right?”

            He nodded. “Yes, I know.” His Irish accent was showing and I laughed to myself and looked down. “What?” He asked lowering his head as he tried to look at my face.

            “Your accent is adorable.” He kissed my lips quickly. “Now what did you want to talk about?” I asked curiously.

            “Sophie Rae,” He tilted his head to the side and got a huge grin on his face, “it has come to my attention that I didn’t officially ask you this, and I wanted to make this as special as possible, so here it goes.”

            Niall opened the door of Louis’ car and I saw five lads running towards us. Behind them was a bus with a band on the top of it. My eyes opened wide and my mouth dropped open. One the side of the bus was a sign that read Sophie Rae, will you be my girlfriend? –Niall Horan xx

I looked at Niall who had gotten out of the car as he offered me his hand for help, Liam started singing. “From the moment I met you, everything changed. I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain.”

Harry walked forward to me, “I had to take you and make you mine.”

Niall repeated it and kissed me on the cheek as Liam sang the next lines. “I would walk through the desert. I would walk down the aisle. I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile.”

Harry sang again, causing my face to go all red. “Whatever it takes is fine.” As Niall repeated the line I noticed a few chairs in the middle of the parking lot.  I carefully sat down on one trying to make my face not as red.

They all started singing. “Oh oh ohh oh. So put your hands up. Oh oh ohh oh. Cause it’s a stand up and I won’t be leaving ‘till I finish stealing every piece of your heart. Every piece of your heart.”

Louis sat down on a chair right next to mine. “I know your heart has been broken, but don’t you give up.” He tapped my nose, and I stuck my tongue out at him. “I’ll be there, yeah I know it, to fix you with love.”

Niall got on his knee in front of me, “It hurts me to think that you’ve ever cried.”

He stood up as all five of the boys were in front of me singing. “Oh oh ohh oh. So put your hands up. Oh oh ohh oh. Cause it’s a stand up and I won’t be leaving ‘till I finish stealing every piece of your heart. Every piece of your heart. Oh oh ohh oh. So put your hands up. Oh oh ohh oh. Cause it’s a stand up and I won’t be leaving ‘till I finish stealing every piece of your heart. Every piece of your heart.”

Zayn got down on his knees and looked me in the eye. “And I will steal us a car. And we will drive to the stars. I will give you the moon, it’s the least I can do if you give me the chance.” It was funny, when Zayn was singing this to me it gave my flashback from when we were little kids and he used to sing to me.

They all continued singing. “Oh oh ohh oh. So put your hands up. Oh oh ohh oh. Cause it’s a stand up. I’m a thief, I’m a thief.”

Harry began, “You can call me a thief. But you should know your part. I’m only here, because you stole my heart.”

They all began singing once more. “So put your hands up, cause it’s a stand up. And I won’t be leaving till I finish stealing every piece of your heart.”

Zayn knelt down beside me once more. “Cause you stole my heart. Call me a thief, but you should know your part. I’m only here, because you stole my heart.”

The song was over and I was clapping like a mental person. “Bravo lads! That was just fantastic!”

Niall opened his mouth in shock. “Will you be my girlfriend Sophie!?” He asked almost out of breath.

“Well someone is a little touchy.” I teased.

“I just danced around that bloody parking lot, of course I’m touchy.”

I ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Of course I will be your girlfriend Niall. I thought we already decided this?”

“Well it wasn’t official till now.” He smiled and laughed that adorable Horan laugh.

Louis, Liam, and Harry all came over and embraced us in a hug. I looked around for Zayn but couldn’t see him. I eventually spotted him looking back at us before walking into the photography store. He looked a little upset. Niall wasn’t the only touchy person right now, was he?

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