Just Like Old Times

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A/N: Hey! (: Okay so I have a ton of reads.. and one comment. I am REALLY wondering what y'all think of the story.. obviously you like it because you are reading it! Feel free to comment on anything about it(: I hope you love it as much as I do! xx

Chapter 7:

 I embraced Alice in a tight hug as she put her luggage down. When we pulled apart I looked at her. She looked almost exactly like she did when I last saw her, in person, a few months ago. She had on a navy dress that had two white lines going around the hem. The dress was a high ‘V’ neck dress with a white bow in the front right above her stomach.

“Soph!” She cried. “You look well.” She said as she stepped back.

I noticed that her British accent seemed to be more Australian than British. “You sound Australian! I don’t think you are ever allowed going back.” I linked arms with her as we started walking with Harry right behind us.

“Well, Sophie Rae doesn’t sound the least bit British.”

I rolled my eyes. “I was born in the states, remember?”

She laughed. “Of course I remember. I was just surprised to see how much you aren’t adapting the accent, is all.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I used the terms, but I don’t have a thick accent what so ever.”

Harry stepped in between us and offered both of us his arms. We all linked arms and walked out of the airport. We climbed into the car as Harry’s phone started ringing.

“’Ello? Hey mate. We do? I do? And Soph? I see. Okay, thank you, Brunkle Simon. Bye.” Harry hung up the phone and faced Alice and I.  “So that was Simon. I guess we are having some sort of surprise benefit concert tonight that I had no idea about.” He turned to Alice. “You will quickly be learning the steps when we get to the rehearsal studio, don’t worry, it’s really easy.” He turned to me, “Soph, you are going to be singing. We don’t have any back up girl singers really so we are adapting a few songs so that you can sing with us and you will be singing a few by yourself.” Harry started up the car and we drove away talking about what surprises this concert may have.

We got to the studio and all walked inside. The first thing I had to do was get fitted for the dress I was supposed to wear.  The dress was long and poufy. It was strapless with pink and white sequins at the top. As you followed down my dress with your eyes, you would notice that the sequins became scarcer towards the bottom of the dress. The dress also had a small slit by my leg so that I could dance some.

Lisa was making sure that the dress fit me and when she was finished she took a step back and looked at me. “You look absolutely beautiful. Now remember, when Moments is over you can pull the slit and the bottom of the dress will come off, that way you can dance in the dress for Na Na Na.

I nodded. “Thank you so much Lisa.”

I slipped off the dress quickly and went into the practice room. I saw six microphones set up in the middle of the room. The five were plain black mics for the lads to use. Mine, on the other hand, was pink and covered in the same sparkles that my dress was. I assumed that we were using these same mics for the concert tonight.

I walked over to the mic just as the lads walked into the room. The four dancers were right behind them. The lads all stood behind a mic as a dancer stood next to one of them. Liam was with Danielle, obviously. Alice was standing next to Niall, which didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. A girl with pin straight hair, named Anne Marie, was standing next to Harry. Finally, I saw Eleanor standing next to Louis. This shocked me because El didn’t like dancing all that much. I looked at Zayn who had no one standing next to him

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