Maybe We Could Both Be Happy?

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A/N: Hello there my lovelies(: I'm sorry that this chapter isn't up to my usual standards for quality. To be honest, I probably speed wrote this in about 45 minutes before driving back to my school and dropping off my computer so that it could be updated. I don't know if I will be able to write this story, or my other one, for a week or so because I don't have my laptop. My home computer (what I am on now) goes really slow and my SD card that my stories are saved onto is not working. I am in panic mode that I lost everything on that SD card due to an error, but I won't no for sure until this Tuesday. I'm also going to the One Direction concert in Chicago on Saturday (CAN YOU SAY EXCITEMENT(: ) I will be sure to tell you how our boys do.

As usual, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment with who you ship and who you don't. Every single vote, comment, favorite, and fan means so much to me. I do a happy dance every time I get one(:  Please continue to do all of those and maybe even read my new story if you would like. It's called, "I Will Never Love You" and it is a Harry Styles love/hate/no idea yet story. (: 

Also, I know this chapter is kinda like a 'woah, when did that happen?' sort of deal. I appologize for that ahead of time. I'm trying to add more to the essential love story plot so it becomes more complicated and structured. Basically, I don't want to write an easy love story that everyone can see the ended and everyone knows what's going to happen. Just read and if you are confused, comment/message and ask(:

Chapter 18:

(Zayn’s Point of View)

            I walked over to Louis’ room in time to see him running out his room with a celebrity gossip newspaper in his hands. I walked in the room to see Harry and Liam standing around the bed. I looked in the bed to see Alice covering up her head with the pillow.

            “What was that about?” I pointed my thumb in the direction Louis ran out.

            “It’s all my fault!” Alice cried as she covered her face with the pillow. “Why did I have to drink so much last night?”

            I tried to remember last night. All I remember was watching Sophie and Niall dance and wanting to punch him for running his hands on my best friend. I then remembered that Alice had basically jumped around saying how she was in love with Louis. I partially felt that it was my fault. In the mists of me drowning how pissed off I was at Niall in alcohol I had let Alice drink, possibly, more than I had.   

            “What’s wrong Al?” I asked as I sat next to her on the bed. I put my arm around her as she buried her head on my shoulder. “Hey now darling, what happened Lou?” I was nervous that Louis had taken advantage of the fact that she had too much to drink and of her feelings. My fears were calmed when she shook her head and I breathed a sigh of relief. “Tell me what happened.”

            Alice looked at Liam, Harry, and I. “Where is Niall?”

            Liam gestured his head towards the door. “Sophie has a massive headache and Niall is taking care of her.” I winced when he said that. I wanted to be the one taking care of her, but right now I had to take care of Al.

            Alice took a deep breath. She looked to Liam, Harry, and then me and shook her head. “I’m not in love with Louis. I don’t even fancy him. I guess I must have gotten so drunk that it didn’t sound sarcastic when I said I was in love with Louis.” She took another deep breath as she fiddled with her hands in her lap. “I think I fancy Niall.”

            Harry jumped on the bed. “I called it! I bloody called it.”  Liam shot Harry a look and Harry jumped off the bed. “Sorry.” He mumbled quietly.

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