"The Swag Masta from Doncasta Is Finally Getting That Boat."

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A/N: Fan, Comment, Vote, Comment (: Do really anything, but please comment(: I know this chapter might not be my best work, but feed back really really helps (: Check out my other story as well. 

Chapter 20:

(Sophie's Point of View)

            Harry’s ringtone went off as we were pulling out of the airport’s parking lot. “Hello.” He paused and I could hear a deep British accent on the other line. “Sorry we had to pick up El and Lou from the airport. Okay we will be there. Alright, bye Simon.”  I shot him a questionable look as he handed me his phone. “Can you put it in the—what?” He noticed my look.

            “What as that about?”

            He shrugged. “Simon was mad. But it’s alright now. We have to head to arena we were at last night.”

            “Why?” Louis piped up from behind us.

            “Simon wants us to practice for the show in Melbourne.”  Harry looked at me. “Simon wants you to practice a few songs too. All of the lads and dancers are there already.”

            I nodded in understanding as I turned on the radio. “That’s what makes you beautiful!” Played on the radio as El, Lou, Harry, and I danced on our way to the arena.

(Harry’s Point of View)

Once we reached the arena I parked the car. “Get out of my car.” I yelled in a ‘mean’ yet cheeky manner.

“Aye, aye captian!” Louis yelled as he did a captain salute.

I looked at Eleanor. “Why are you dating him again?” I laughed as Sophie gave me a look. “Joking!” I held my hands up in defense. “I love my Boo Bear.”

Sophie shook her head. “We should get inside. El, you can probably watch us while we practice.”

Eleanor smiled. “That sounds like fun.” She kissed Lou on the cheek and pulled him out of the car.

Louis and I raced to the entrance as Sophie and Eleanor walked swiftly behind us. I ran into the door a split second before Louis did. I heard Sophie’s loud laugh coming from behind me. Geez! She and Niall should have a laughing contest sometime soon! I thought to myself before turning to Louis, “I won!” I shouted at him.

Louis crossed his arms and pouted. “I was just going easy on you.” I opened the door for Louis and he pretended to curtsey. “Thank you, my love.”

I laughed as I glanced over my shoulder. Eleanor and Sophie were far behind us talking and catch up. “Hurry up!” I yelled at Sophie before walking into the arena.

Once we were inside, Lou and I had a difficult time finding where we were supposed to meet.  We decided to just head to the stage instead of running around the arena like crazy. There I saw the one sight that I least expected to see. Alice and Niall were laughing and slow dancing.

Alice smiled. “I told you that you wouldn’t be terrible at slow dancing.” She laughed. A piece of hair fell into her face and Niall pushed it behind her ear and smiled flirtatiously.

I looked at Louis who cleared his throat. Alice and Niall split apart. Niall smiled and started walking over to us like nothing happened as Alice looked at her feet awkwardly. Louis walked over to her and put his arm around her. “Care to show me where we are meeting?” Alice smiled and nodded. They skipped off and were sing, well screaming, a version of Moments.

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