Guess Who...

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A/N: Thank you so much for the comments and the votes(: I'm so happy you like my story(: Now, I have a delimma. I am at a point where I could probably finish it in between 5-8 chapters if I really wanted to, but I like writing this story. I also have another story plot idea in mind (actually, I have several, but we are doing this one at a time(: )  It mainly depends on how much you like the story.

Also, do you ship Sophie with Zayn or Niall? Maisie and Harry? Feedback is delightful <3 I love my lovelies (: 

The video that the story refers to is posted on the side(: Hahaha I love that video... Niall looks a little too happy(: 

Chapter 16

I woke up and immediately felt someone in Zayn’s bed next to me. I looked over and poked Alice on the cheek. “Wake up sleeping beauty.” I yelled at her. I looked on the ground and saw Maisie asleep on the floor. I nudged her with my toe. No response. I slid off the bed and grabbed my laptop.

“What are you doing?” Alice groaned as she started to sit up.

“Oh nothing.” I responded as climbed back on Zayn’s bed.

I clicked onto Youtube and typed in One Direction X Factor. I looked at the many results. I first clicked on the results of boot camp video when the lads were put into the group. I remembered when Zayn called me telling me that he got through, but in a group. I have to admit that I was a tad bit frightened for him at first. Zayn never really had many friends except for me in school, let alone friends of his own gender.

The next video I clicked on was the lads singing the song Torn. I watched it and started laughing when I saw Niall. “Alice, haha.” I put the laptop on her lap and paused it. I pointed to my little leprechaun. “Nialler looks like Sam in Lord of the Rings.” I started laughing while she shook her head.

“Let me see.” She continued to shake her head. “What? No he doesn’t.”

“A little bit?” I asked, hoping that I wasn’t just going crazy.

“No, not at all. You’re just going crazy.”

I stuck my tongue out at her. I scrolled down the page and clicked on Viva La Vida. I started laughing. “Al, you have to see this! Niall is all peppy and Harry is so aggressive in this song. He looks pissed off, like, the entire time.” I snickered at her. Alice watched the video over my shoulder as I replayed it. “Look at how happy he is.” I smiled and danced in place on the bed.

“What the hell is he doing with his hand?” Alice asked as she pointed to his hand.

She was right. Niall kept fidgeting his hand. One second he was snapping and the next he was trying to get the audience to sing with him. “Maybe it’s a nervous twitch?” I suggested. “Or maybe he is just really, really happy.”

“A little too happy if you ask me. Haha!”

Alice laughed really loudly and we woke up Maisie, who groaned. “Shut up guys! What time is it anyway?”

“It’s about 11.” I said as I threw a pillow on top of her. “If you want to sleep go to the basement. The lads are probably still sleeping down there.” I winked at her. “Harry would probably make you some pancakes.”

She shrugged. “I’m not hungry.” She sat up and looked at Alice and me laughing. “What are you watching?”

“Oh, we are just making fun of the lads on X Factor. They are being silly.” I responded with a smile. “Here, look at Harry! He’s getting into the song man!”

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