So Call Me Maybe?

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A/N: Okay guys! (: Here it is! I haven't been writing because I have had some major writers block (my reaction: "DAMN, THIS SUCKS!") But now its 2:30 A.M. and I have to be up at like... 6:30-6:45 but I had to write because I had such a good idea!(: xx

I'M EXCITED BECAUSE THIS STORY HAS LIKE OVER 100 READERS (116 as of 2:32 A.M. my time(: ) BUT, I have NO comments! If you have a comment... PLEASE comment(: It makes me feel loved. Also, If you ship anyone in the story together... I'm 100% OPEN for suggestions. I have the major relationships in my head, but if most people love two characters together, then I might consiter it(: <3 (Sorry Al...) xx

Also, I decided that I really don't like the cover I made for this story so if you would like to make one and sumit it to me, I would LOVE THAT xx <3 

ON WITH THE SHOW! (well... story actually... I'm a theatre geek....) (: xx

Chapter 6:

Sophies Point of View

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Niall on guitar and the boys singing to me. “So we gotta get up!!!!” They sang as I pulled the comforter over my head.

“Go away.” I mumbled.

Harry plopped down on the bed next to me. “We have to pick up Alice from the airport today!”

“Shit, I forgot.” I crawled out of bed and rubbed my eyes. Louis was holding out clothes for me. “Well, someone wants to get rid of me this mornin’.” I mumbled, taking the clothes from him.

Louis shook his head. “No, I just want to see my best mate.”

I remembered that Louis and Alice were best mates, just like Zayn and I were. The weird part was that they never even met. Louis and Alice started talking to each other one night when I was skyping her while she was in Australia. He popped in the video and they started talking for several hours, in French. There was absolutely no way I was going to follow that conversation so I just let him have the computer. The next thing I knew, they were texting each other constantly. He was asking her relationship advice and she was helping him pick out the proper color of flowers to give to Eleanor when she was sick. They had the weirdest friendship I had ever seen.

Once I finished getting ready I yelled into Zayn’s room. “I’m going to pick up Alice. I will be back in a few hours. Please clean the flat, at least a little.”

He pulled the covers down so I could see his face. “The lads don’t care if we are slobs.” He covered his face back up.

I walked over to him and pulled the cover off. “I care.” I stuck my tounge out as I walked towards the door. “Pick up a little, please. I’m leaving! Bye!” I heard a groan. “I love you too.” I mumbled as I walked out and towards the exit of our flat.

I met Harry in the lobby of our flat complex. He had the keys to the car he was borrowing for the next few days. I hopped in the passenger seat and turned on the radio. If only you saw what I could see, you’d understand why I want you so desperately… I changed the song.

“Woah!” Harry looked at me for a second. “Why did you turn me off?”

I raised my eyebrows and chuckled at him. “Do I normally turn you on?” I asked trying to sound both seductive and joking.

“Ew. I meant why did you turn off the song!” He paused. “You’re dating Niall. I will leave you to only turn on the Fresh Prince of Mullinger.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“That’s not even your lad’s best song. The other songs should be on the radio.”

He laughed. “I think so too, love.” A few moments of silence passed before Harry began talking about what he was bursting to talk about. “So you and Niall?” He said cheekily.

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