I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 26)

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A/N: Guys, this is just a fair warning, this whole chapter is all fluffy and a bit steamy, so if you care too much about following the EXACT plotline and timeline of worlds, or if you don't like the fluff, you can skip this chapter and it really wont matter.
I would like to say, for those that have been waiting and always encouraging me to keep up with my work, I love you guys, thank you for your support and I hope this update makes you squeal.
Much love <3


"So, why exactly did we stop here again?" I look around town, holding Sora's hand firmly in mine.

"Donald and Goofy need to stock up on supplies, so I figured this would be a good time for you and I to.. Uh, have some alone time, if that's okay with you?" My cheeks heat up but I let out a small laugh.

"Of course that's okay with me. Where to?" He leads me by the hand towards the downtown area where most of our friends live.

"Yuri said we could have her house, I kinda got a last minute idea, so I'm running with it." He pulls a key from his pocket as we approach a house.

"We're not.. ?"

"NO!" He blushes and stops putting the key in the door. "No, everyone keeps thinking that. Jeez. No, I just need a kitchen." He swallows hard and pushes the key into the lock after a few more missed attempts. For someone who unlocks things for a living, he really sucks when it comes to regular sized keys.

"Woah." Sora pushes open the door to Yuri's house, flowers and plants rest on nearly every table or mantle. A fire is going in the fireplace, and a few pictures fill in the gaps between potted plants on the mantle. I look through the photos; a few of Yuri and Aerith, One of Leon, and one of... me? I grab the frame and stare intensely at the photo. A bright smile is on my face, and there's a sunset behind me which looks like it's over the edge of town. "Where did she even get this? I don't remember her taking this..."

"She seems pretty uh... fond of you. Maybe we should make sure she isn't secretly filming us in her house.." Sora stops "NOT THAT WE'RE DOING ANYTHING-- I MEAN. Oh god." He covers his face with his hands, and I let out a laugh before approaching him with a coy smile.

"Just can't get it out of your head now, can you?" He lets out a mix between a grunt and a moan and walks into the kitchen. I follow after him "So, what are we doing?" he opens the fridge and smiles as his eye catches the item he's presumably looking for.

"I figured we could cook a lunch together, from what I read online, it's supposed to be pretty romantic." He pulls lettuce, spinach, strawberries, carrots, and cucumbers from the fridge. He pulls a bowl from the cabinet before placing it on the counter and returning to the fridge. "Would you like to start cutting that up for a salad? I would like to start on the pasta." I give a nod before searching the drawers for a knife.

"...does this knife say 'Sora back-up plan'?" I whisper. Cautiously, I place it back in the drawer and pull out a new knife. Should I be worried about this? Her name IS Yuri, after all.

"What did you say?" Sora pulls dry pasta and some sauce from the cabinets.

"Nothing, just humming."

"You know what's been stuck in my head lately? "I'm already gone" by a day to remember. That's a damn good song." I nod and begin chopping up some of the lettuce.

"She said~ Just let it go. She said 'It's all you've ever known'. And I'm, I'm already gone. I'm already something to someone that I don't know~" I sing to him and he fills a pot with water, humming along with me. I pause singing as he approaches the stove with his water. "Hey Sora, what prompted all of this?" He looks at me.

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