I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 37)

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"How'd you know his name?" Sora's eyes narrow. How do I explain what just happened?

"Uhm.. I don't. Mio does." He raises an eyebrow, unsure of what I mean. I bring a hand up to my chest. "Something happened, she said she.. was helping Kairi." The vision comes to my head, another blond girl to my left, I..Mio knows her as Namine, uses magic to break the lock on a cell. Kairi. She was stunningly beautiful. Her hair had grown out since the last memory I saw her in, and she was undoubtedly perfect. Namine nods and says something to me, before taking off with Kairi. I start to run after them, but my legs are pulled down. Dusks. There's no way to defend myself this time, but at least I know where I'll wind up.

"Rea?" Sora places his hands on my shoulders and I'm jolted out of the memory. "What about Kairi?" I take a step back, letting his hands slide off of me.

"Uhm. Mio, she got a-attacked while helping Kairi escape." I furrow my brow. "But she's still in the castle, with Namine." He nods slowly, still giving me that same concerned look.

"Are you okay?" My eyes are quick to meet his. I'm hurt, and that's probably visible on my face. I feel my furrowed brow, I feel my prominent sneer.

"No." I turn on my heel and watch as my teammates who fainted get up and recover from their slumber. "But I don't really feel like talking about it.. not yet."

"You always say that, Rea, and then it boils over and you explode into something you regret. Are you really sure you don't want to talk about it?" He sounds mad, and the only thing I can manage to do is look back at him and offer my best loving smile.

"It's okay, the skies are clearing up." He looks up, confused by my statement, but the rain had indeed stopped. Blair places her hand on my shoulder, offering me a knowing smile. I give her a nod and look to the castle in the distance. "We should probably go." We continue down the dark alley paths, reaching a cliff, with no visible way to reach the castle.

"There has to be a path somewhere." Mickey looks around, and a large white flash comes from one section of the castle. Sora blocks the light with his hand, causing his keyblade to appear, and without a second guess he points it up to the castle. A large beam shoots up from the center, and a ramp up to the castle appears over the cliff.

"Kairi... We're almost there." Does she have any humor? Does she laugh at your jokes? Do you stay up for hours talking? Is this none of my business? "Kairi! Where are you?" Mickey slaps the back of Sora's head, causing him to rub his spiky hair with a pout.

"Shh! Remember where we are! This is their stronghold!" Mickey takes off down a hall, and before we can start after him, Goofy points us in a different direction.

"I think we've got company." Sora looks to the adjourning room before giving a nod and leading us through a few hallways. It was eerie, there were no heartless, no nobodies, and I could barely hear any noises. As we enter one final, large hall, the man we know as Saix is waiting for us.

"Sora, you've done well." He gives a smirk from a high ledge on the north wall of the room.

"Where's Kairi?" Sora grips his keyblade angrily, and I deal with the familiar taste of nausea burning in my throat.

"Who knows? I expect she's catching up with her friend from the darkness."

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't need you anymore."

"I'm supposed to believe that?" I can feel the tea from earlier threatening to come back up, with a less than pleasant lemon tinge.

"Well, you don't have to... but you can believe this-- Organization XIII has no further use for you. Just look there," His gloved hand points up to the heart shaped moon. "Our Kingdom Hearts. Thanks to you, we've collected countless hearts. Can you hear the euphoria? Now, all they need is one more helping from the keyblade bearer!" With a laugh and a snap, heartless begin pouring out of the walls. We were surrounded, and I was so close to puking that I was pretty sure the heart racing would just send me into a seizure.

I Want to be a Hero {KH Romance}Where stories live. Discover now