Chapter 7(Will's pov)

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So many questions keep running around my head, like a hamster on a wheel.

I can barely even sleep at night.

But I know her name now.


I know it, and yet, for some reason, That knowledge hasn't quelled my curiosity about her.

What was her likes?
Her dislikes?
What did she have that morning for breakfast?

I feel like a dumb teenager having his first crush again.

I shouldn't be acting like this. It's bordering on insanity. But for some reason, everything is out of my control. I can't help but be drawn to her.

Like a moth to a flame.

"Mr.Larson!" A voice called, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

I jumped in my seat, looking around the conference table in confusion.
When did I get here?


"What do you think of this proposal?"asked, Saya Kumamori, one of my senior executives.


Saya exhaled exasperatedly, and pushed her glasses up with her finger.
She was a no nonsense person, always dressed in a manner that matched her unwavering personality. She's very much focused on her career, and not fond of tying herself down with relationships with other people.

I wish I could be like that....

Saya scowled briefly, her jaw twisting in annoyance before she quickly masked it with a smile.

"As I was saying, we plan to begin the project sometime in the summer. Since our target demographic is teens and young adults, our marketing should start when most teenagers are on summer vacation. " Saya stated, smiling while shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

I sighed, and leaned back in my chair, tuning out the other voices until the meeting was finally over. I stood from my chair,making sure to push it back under the table when Saya tapped my shoulder in annoyance.

"Please refrain from falling asleep in meetings, Mr.Larson. It doesn't help your already failing image within the company. "

"You seem awfully invested in me, Ms Kumamori."I hummed, as I turned to face her.

Saya scowled at me, an expression that was entirely unbecoming of her face.

"Don't get cocky Larson. It was one time. It won't happen again." She spat, her eyes burning with anger.

"Hmm. Are you sure about that? I mean, I have no intention to get further acquainted with you Saya, but you seem to still be stuck in the past."

A deep blush immediately stained her cheeks, as a flustered expression appeared on her face. Before I realized it, my face was stinging, and Saya angrily stormed out of the conference room.

I deserved it.

I'm not a nice person.

Maybe its cause I'm bitter about me inability to die, so I take it out on everyone else.

Honestly I don't know.

Its not like I could tell a therapist.

They'd think I'm crazy.

I had to figure all of this out on my own.

I followed Saya out of the conference room, scanning the office to see if anyone was watching us through the glass doors. My affair with her had been brief, but I was sure that someone knew about it.

After all, we did get a little too friendly at the company cinco de mayo celebration last spring.

...Okay, a LOT too friendly.

A few people immediately turned their attention back to their computers as if they hadn't just been ogling me.
I released a sigh, and walked down the hall while shaking my head in mock disbelief.

People were far too nosy for my taste.

When I arrived at my office at the end of the hall, I immediately sat down.I thought I'd have some peace and quiet so that I could sort through all of this paperwork, but unfortunately my luck had just ran out.

"Mr. Larson!" Theodore cried as he burst into my office excitedly.

I looked up at him with an arched brow.he was sweating and out of breath, but smiling widely.

"Aren't you a little too old to be running up stairs like an idiot?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, Mr I'm-always-late-for-work."


"Anyway I'm not up here for fun, Will. Are you going to that Winter Gala thing tonight?"

"Yeah, why?"

Theo grinned widely at my response, as his eyes gained a mischievous sparkle.

"Well, I've been doing a little research into your soulmate,and I found out that she works for Lux, the company organizing this whole event."

"So shell be there?"I asked, ignoring the fact that he called her my soulmate.

It couldn't possibly be that serious.

"Slow down there, I never said that. But, and this is a huge butt," he grinned, "she might be there, and you can get in good with her. You know, how young people say these days? What was it? Slide into those dms?"

"I'm embarrassed for your kids, Theo."

"Its okay. They've got no choice but to love me.Same goes for you." Theo retorted, grinning widely all the same.

"Get out of my office." I answered playfully, as my best friends constant grinning rubbed off on me.

Theodore turned and walked to the door, whistling all the while.
He paused and turned around as he placed his hand on the door knob.

"Make sure to wear something nice." He stated, before leaving.

"I know that!"

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