chapter 16(will)

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Authors note:
Double update! Ooh ha ha !
Enjoy! Chatper 10 will be posted next week...hopefully lol

Moving on isn't an easy thing.

Especially when it feels like the universe has it out for you.

The God that may or may not exist, has a mean streak, not giving a single shit about how I'm doing at any given time.

I kept running into her. I had to quickly disappear each time so she wouldn't notice .

At the supermarket.

The Ortega deli.

The freaking library of all places!

And when I end up in a situation where I'd be unable to escape, I see her again.

Sitting by the window in a coffee shop.

Looking as radiant as ever.

Our eyes meet.

She's aware of my presence.
She quickly looks away.

But the girl in my car, Anna, is waiting for me to open the door.

So I do Just that.

I catch Raya looking over at us through my peripherals, and I could feel my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach.

This feels wrong.

So, so wrong.

Soon the two of us are walking down the street like the couple we're supposed to be, but I can't help but think of what it would be like if it were Raya walking next to me.


"You dumbass!"

Theodore was pacing back and forth in my kitchen as if he had nothing else better to do, like I don't know, spend time with family.

"Theo, if you barge into my house like that again I'm changing the locks." I stated, as I looked in the fridge for some vegetables.

"Nigga please, you know damn well Ill pick the lock."

Yeah, I remember how you got that skill...

"Ill have the doorman keep you out."

"The doorman can't do a damn thing! Ill find a way in regardless! If that's what it takes to talk you out of making the worst decision of your life!"

"You do realize I have over 200 years on you right?"I answered, as I closed the refrigerator door, and placed the assortment of veggies on the counter.

"True, but you haven't learned a goddamn thing Will! Why the hell were you so quick to jump onto this new chick? Are black girls not good enough for you?!"

" Don't start with me, Theo." I snapped, as I began chopping them up, to make my dinner of pasta.

"Naw this is a conversation we need to have!" Theo answered, leaning against the kitchen island.

"She. Doesn't. Want me. I'm not gonna force things to go my way."

"She didn't even give you a chance!"

"You're not saying anything I don't already know, Theo." I responded, as I emptied a bottle of pasta sauce into a pot.

"Dude, you need yo fix this shit right now, or I'm going to fix it for you."

"I swear to god, if you even-"

"What? What're gonna do? You're being a coward!"

"Get out of my house Theo."

"You're making a decision that you're gonna regret later!"

"Theo. Out."

Theodore sighed heavily, and shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. He then proceeded to walk to the front door, and stopped, turning around to look back at me.

"I just want you to be happy. Because you're my friend.but if you won't listen to me that's fine. Bury yourself."
Theo stated, before opening the door, and exiting my apartment.

I sighed heavily, scratching my head, as I turned off the stove.

"Ugh.... I need a drink."

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