chapter 33:will

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I cant believe it.

I can't believe it.

I really can't.

Theo was right.

I was stupid for letting Anastasia into my life. Because now my face is plastered all over the news for everyone to see. And while I had a certain reputation at work, it stayed there.The public up until now were completely unaware.Blissfully unaware.

And what's worse, she got Raya involved.

Just one more reason for her to hate and stay away from me.

On top of this, the worst part is that my identity as an immortal could potentially be revealed. It probably wont be long until someone digs a little deeper than necessary and figures it out. All the aliases, the shell companies, the random doppelganger photos of me.

I mean, granted, they'll probably just think that its a coincidence.
After all, immortals arent a real thing in their eyes.

But ultimately, my lifetime of excuses, and plans would all have been for nothing.Because if anyone were too look too deeply into the matter, everyhing I built will come crashing down on me,in an instant.

And it would all end because of one person who couldn't just walk away.

If it weren't for how it would look, i'd definitely make my threats to her father's company, a reality. Withdraw my support, and reveal just exactly what kind of person Horatio Dillard was. he was someone who didn't care about what was in his products, just as long as it made him money. even when the workers in his factories came home with chemical burns and unnatural skin blisters. And he was well connected and rich enough for it to all go away. Unfortunately for him I had more than enough means for it to reappear, with the proof to go with it.

However, if that were to happen, if I were to actually make due on what I said, all suspicion would fall on me. 

And then my own stocks would tank.

It would cause a ripple effect that would cause my entire company to fail. And that's not something I could afford. Especially not with Theo working for me. If the company went bankrupt, how would he feed his family? How would any of them feed their families? It would be permanently on my conscience.

And if there's one thing i can't stand, its guilt. 

But I'm sure that much was obvious.

When I stepped outside the next day, I was swarmed by cameras, and had microphones shoved in my face, questions coming at me from all directions. 

"Who's the mystery woman?"

"Why did you cheat on Ms.Dillard?"

"Why now?"

No matter what I said, none of these people would be satisfied with the answers i could give. I was probably already being crucified in the media without anyone knowing the whole story. At the end of the day, it didnt matter what I said. But as usual, whenever it comes to Raya, I could never think straight.

"First of all, I didn't cheat on Ana. We've been broken up for a month before the incident, so if she thought that we were still an item, that's her fault, not mine. Secondly, Who this so-called mystery woman is, is none of your business. That will be all."

I turn and walk towards my car, as the cameras begin to flash in my face again, and the questions became a dull sound in my ears. 

I headed to the office, knowing that I'd probably be followed and /or harassed there too.

Sure enough, a crowd was gathered outside the front doors.

I sighed heavily.

This day couldn't get any worse....


Hi everyone! It's been a while! How's life treating you?

Sorry that I haven't been able to post in literally over a year.

It's been that long!😨😱

Life and being an adult has gotten in the way of writing. It's been pretty stressful overall, and so I haven't had much inspiration, not time to really sit down and further Raya and Will's story, or any of my stories for that matter.

So there you go!That's the reason for the unfortunate year long hiatus of FOREVER.

I probably won't be able to do regular updates, but I'll definitely try my best to work on finishing this story.

Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you in the next one! Toodles!

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