chapter 14(will)

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"Please,dont leave."

The words spilled from my lips before I could even think of better words to say. I probably looked like a fool. I am a fool. I could feel the blood rushing to my face, could feel my body grow hot under her gaze, but in the moment it didn't matter.

I needed her to stop. I needed her to listen to me.

She was looking up at me with an expression of surprise on her face, lips slightly apart,clothes slightly damp from the rain.

My god she was beautiful.

I had only stopped for bread, but I got her instead.

This could be my chance to make things right.

But then her expression went sour, and I knew that I didn't do the right thing.

"Get your hands off of me." She growled, looking as though she'd kill me with her bare hands.

My mouth went dry.

She's so hot when she's angry.

Stop. This is not that kind of situation.

"I need to talk to you." I responded, after swallowing the lump in my throat.

Raya scoffed, and gave me a look as if she were questioning my intelligence.

"I already told you there's nothing to talk about, Will."

Think straight Will.She's totally not attractive when she says your name like that.

Don't lie to yourself.

"There is. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I should've apologized in a better way. I'm just asking for you to listen to me."

Raya sighed heavily, and shrugged off my hand. She bent and picked up her umbrella off the ground, and my heart sank.

I should've known she wouldn't bother.

Except, she did the opposite of what I expected her to do. She closed her umbrella,and brushed past me, shooting me a look of exasperation and irritation.

"You've got ten minutes GQ."

Oh boy, where do I start?

What do I even say?

I didn't think this far ahead.

I only wanted her to listen.

I just watched as she walked over to an unoccupied table near the windows, my brain going a hundred miles per minute.

The whole truth would be too much to unload on her.

Like, "Hi, my names Will and I'm immortal.I can't stop thinking about you for some reason, and I'd like to get to know you better!"

She'd look at me as if I were a lunatic.

As if she doesnt already think I'm crazy.

She did call me a stalker after all.

Which wasnt the case at all.

That was all Theo's doing.

He was the one that went scouring the internet and whatever dark corners  of the city he was involved with, to find her, even though I really didn't ask him to.

Which is also something I would have to explain.

Oh god, this isn't going to turn out well.

I made my way over to the table and sat down, while the owner of the deli eyed us both suspiciously.

I didnt like it.

But I disregarded it in favor of trying my best to explain myself to her.

"Well?", she stated,"start talking.You have a limited window to say what you want, and then I'm leaving."

Raya sat up straight in her chair, eyebrow raised, and her arms folded across her chest.

Don't go there Will. Dangerous territory.

"Well, for starters, I'd like to apologize for what happened at the gala. I overstepped my bounds, and it shouldn't have happened."

"Damn right it shouldn't."

"As for the flowers, that wasn't my idea. I had every intention to apologize to you in person for my reckless actions."

"Then why didn't you? Since, you know, it wasnt your idea."she mocked, and I felt my pulse quicken.

Why? Because I was scared, that's why. But I'm not going to tell her that.

"How would it have looked if I walked in there asking for you? You were already uncomfortable with me sending you the flowers." I reasoned.

"True." , She agreed," You know far too much personal information. How did you-"

"That wasn't me either. My friend just went ahead and looked you up, despite my pleas not to. He seems to be on a mission to..." I paused, and cleared my throat. I'm not ready to get into that, I realized.

"He's on a mission to be the worst friend ever." I finished.

I dont need her to run from me.

If she knew about Theo's attempts to be the best wingman ever... Well, shed probably leave town and then I'd never see her again.

"Hmm...your friend huh?" She answered, her tone full of disbelief.

"Yes. My friend. To be frank, he doesnt act his age, and is extremely-."

"I didn't sit here to discuss your friend.   " she interrupted.

She's right.
I stopped her from leaving because of me.

"You're right."

"I know."

"Long story short, I just want to start over, and get to know you as a person. Not just as the person who helped me off a ledge." I stated, while watching her expression.

Raya sat in silence for a few moments more, staring at me with that same irritated expression that she had been wearing since we started the conversation. She eventually sighed heavily, and uncrossed her arms. She leaned foward, resting her forearm on the table, her eyes boring into me like a knife.

"I don't think I can do that. You've created enough trouble in my life as it is. Its not something I can just forget about."


"I understand. But i just want one chance to show you that I'm not just some creepy stalker who's obsessed with you or something. I legitimately want to get to know you."

But you are obsessed .

Shut up,conscience.

" I'm sorry."

She's getting up.

Dont let her leave.

If you don't do something right now, you'll never see her again.

I can't.

I have to let her leave...

I watched her back as she pushed the front door of the deli and opened her umbrella. And then disappeared into the torrential downpour.

I guess what they say is true.

When it rains, it pours.

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