chapter 15 (raya)

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Author note: I WAS planning on waiting until I was done writing chapter 9.5 to post this, BUUUUUT its my girl's RayshawnWrites Birthday today, so, I won't torture her any longer lol.


Its been a little over a month since I had that conversation with Will.

And things have been relatively normal since then.

My co-workers were back to their normal selves.
Tara still being a pushover, and Simone still being a hoe.

Max was on another fashion show trip. This time he was somewhere in Italy, modeling for A-list celebrities and other notable people in the fashion world.

He sent me a picture of himself with an arm around Lupita N'yongo grinning widely, with the caption,"wish you were here Raya!"

I wanted to cuss him out over that.
But I know why he did it.

It was spite.

Because when I told him about Will's apology, he immediately got pissed at me.

"You're a moron." He stated, flatly.

He went on to berate me about fate and repeated that there was something more there.

I never mentioned the strange sensations I got when I came into physical contact with Will. That would only serve to further his point about fate and destiny.

Because as far as Max was concerned, Will and I were destined to meet.

And I don't have time for his nonsense.

"Raya! Have you finished the fashion trends for this year?" Tom yelled from his office.

" Almost!" I yelled back as I put the finishing touches on the post and clicked post.

Finally, after a crap ton of research,(and a little help from Max) I managed to finish the blog post in time for the new year.

We were getting New Years Day off, and everyone was trying to finish their work early so that they could enjoy it.
I on the other hand, had to complete at least two blog posts a day now, since traffic to the site had dropped, so I'd be working throughout the break.

And so, I was currently hating my life, and tempted to take up drinking as a hobby.

"Rayaaaaa-!" Tom screeched.

Scratch that, I'm definitely going to take up drinking as a hobby.

I sighed deeply, scratching my head and stretching. I walked over to Tom's office and carefully opened the door, making sure to not get any fingerprints on the glass.

"Yes, Mr.Garrett?"I asked sweetly, once again masking my distaste for him under a veneer of politeness.

"Where... Where did you get these pictures?"He asked, with a shocked expression, as if I couldn't possibly get them legally.

"From a friend. Why?"

"How did you- this literally happened mere minutes ago!"

"Its good isn't it? You'll have more traffic to the blog."I answered matter-of-factly.

"Well, true but-", he trailed.

"Is that all Mr.Garrett? I'm done with my work for the day."I responded sweetly.

"Uh, may go." He sputtered, as he once again focused his attention on the blog post with a pensive look, as if he were trying to figure out how to spin the blog post in his favor.

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