chapter 23:(raya)

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A/N this is a previously unpublished chapter, hooray!!!



I wanted to die.

Not only was I late for the first time ever, I was late on a very, very important day.
Today was the day where Zenith execs were coming by to take a look at the office.
Because apparently, they were planning to buy the company.

A "merger" they called it.
But we all knew what that meant.

Most of us would be out of a job.

I should've been on time.

That was my line of thought as I anxiously waited for the elevator to come down. I contemplated turning around and running up the stairs, except, when I turned to go, the elevator dinged just in time.

The doors opened, and I rushed inside, pressing the number for my floor, and waited.
The elevator dinged a few seconds later, and I realized that someone else was headed up.

I couldn't have predicted who.

A group of men and women were standing patiently in the hallway, and they ignored me, slowly filing into the tiny space with no regard for me. I wanted to yell that we were at capacity, that there wasn't any need for them to pile in all at once. I came so close to doing so, when I hard a voice yell down the hall.

"Hold the door!"

And older man in a blue suit sighed heavily and held the door for the incoming person. They came in breathlessly, with laughing eyes and a playful grin on his face.


I was sure he didn't see me, and I didn't want him to. But my own nerves betrayed me when I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. Why oh why did he have to be so attractive?! He made his way inside as the doors closed, standing next to the man in the blue suit.

"Oh dear." The old man stated, "what have you done this time William?"

The man in the blue suit looked like he wanted to disappear into the floor.

"Oh, nothing, just had a moment with Mr.Garrett. He'll be meeting us on the next floor by the way."he answered casually, looking so much like a mischievous kid, that I had to stop myself from laughing.

A few seconds later the elevator dinged again, and the doors rolled open, revealing a breathless Tom waiting to receive his guests.

"My apologies for my state, everyone, welcome to the HR department." He stated with a flourish, as they all filed out into the hall.

Wait, what?
Don't tell me...

I didn't notice the man in the blue coat still inside the elevator holding the door for me until he cleared his throat and spoke.

"After you."

"Oh! I'm sorry, this isnt my stop, but thank you." I responded politely, as he made his way out of the elevator.

I don't know how he did it through the sea of people, but somehow, Tom must have seen me. And proceeded to embarrass me in front of all these people.

"Oh! Raya! Did you just arrive? I thought your shift starts at 8?"

You evil piece of-

Before I could respond, the elevator doors began to close, and I noticed the singular pair of brown eyes staring back at me.


Tom can eat shit.

He can kiss my ads and then eat shit.

Would it be considered assault if I ripped out his hair and fed it to him like a goat?

"I think it is." Said a voice hovering abovw me ,and I jumped in my seat.

I heard a laugh bubble out of them, and I looked up.

"The look on your face Raya! You look sooo pissed, oh my god!" Simone laughed, with tears in her eyes.

"Glad you find some amusement in this, because I don't. " I grumbled, turning my attention back to my computer as she settled herself on top of my desk with two coffee cups in her hands. She passed one to me, and I responded with a quick no thanks.

It turns out that Simone was far less of a bitch than I thought.

"Its not coffee, Ray, its hot chocolate!" She chuckled, placing the cup on my desk.

"What's got you in such a good mood?"

Simone shrugged in response, and took a sip of her coffee.I followed suit and took a sip from my cup.


"Hey! Everyone! Those execs are going to be here any minute now!I just saw them across the plaza!"stated one of my co-workers , as she rushed into the office while trying her damned to not trip and fall flat on her face in the sky high stilettos.

"Hey Raya, want to go take your break now?" Simone asked me, with a twinkle in her eye.

"Why?its still early, and I'm only halfway done with this blog post."

"Please?" Simone begged, and I sighed heavily in response.

"Fine. Lets go."

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