chapter 18(will)

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I seriously hate bars.

I hate getting felt up by random women who are only checking out my expensive wristwatch.

Because I know that by the end of the night they'll expect me to take them home with me, and I'd probably oblige just for the hell of it.

For a long time, that's what I did.

I didn't care.

What was the point, anyway?
I couldn't die.

What was the point in being the same pious guy I had spent the last 200 plus years being?

It didn't feel right, but I did it anyway.

And I left a string of heartbroken women in my wake.

I did those things. No one else.

"Bartender! Another shot!" I yelled over the sounds of a football game, while slamming the now empty shotglass down on the counter.

I fucking hate bars, but i'm here because of her.


All over something so simple.

Hell, I'm the one that should be the most angry.

After all, It was my property her untrained dog destroyed. My ancient, first edition of Sherlock Holmes. The only reason it aged so well, was because I had taken such good care of it all these years, but now....

Now it was on my living room floor in pieces.

Not only was it worth a lot of money, but it was also a gift, one that couldn't be so easily replaced.You might be asking how the beast got ahold of it,how I could have let something so precious lie around my house so carelessly. 

I had been reading it before she arrived.

That's how it ended up on the coffee table in the living room, and eventually, in the dog's mouth.

I wanted to strangle the mutt, but she began yelling at me, saying that it was just an old book. That it wasn't a big deal.

Just a book? JUST A BOOK?! 

I practically screamed these words at her, slamming my hand down on the dining table. She jumped, and the mongrel sitting in her lap began to bark at me.

I had no problem with animals, as long as they weren't going around my house destroying my things.

"Get out." I told her, " I don't want anything to do with you right now."

Anna had a look of surprise on her face, that quickly morphed into anger.

"It's just an old book!" She yelled at me, while gathering up her things, "I can buy you another one!"

"Get out, or so help me, I'll kick you out myself!!"I answered through gritted teeth." And for your information, that book isn't something you can just easily buy."

"Oh come on, Will, you're being dramatic."She stated, as she walked out into the hall.

"Goodnight Anna." I answered, as I closed the door behind her.

All of that led me here. It wasn't the first time I had an argument with her, and it probably wasn't going to be the last.

"Jesus christ, mate, that's your 8th shot in the last 5 minutes!you keep going on like that you'll be so pissed, you won't know which way is up!" Stated a blonde with a strong british accent, sitting next to me. He was nursing a bottle of beer in one hand, while tapping his fingers on the countertop.

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