Chapter 31:Will

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I wanted to drive my head through the shopping cart.

It seems that I was not immune to the clumsy behavior associated with being "in love", if it could even be called that.

What had changed?

She wasn't even attempting to be seductive or anything of the sort, but it still caused me to lose control of my emotions. How did I manage to keep my cool before her? I need a reminder of how calm and collected I used to be.

I sighed heavily, as I picked up a head of lettuce and examined it for freshness.

My thoughts drifted back to her anyway.

Focusing on the task at hand was going to be more difficult than I thought...

I was wrenched out of my thoughts by a light tap on my shoulder.

I turned around.

"Excuse me, son, but I need a little help. I'm a bit vertically challenged, and I simply cannot reach the top shelf over there. Can you help me?"


About an hour or so later, as I neared my door, I could hear the sounds of an argument.

Which ,quite frankly, was bizzare, considering I had damn near the entire floor to myself.

I had to wonder who Raya could be arguing with.

I brushed the thought aside and opened the door.

What would you do if you came home to your ex girlfriend fighting your (hopefully) future girlfriend?

I wasn't even out that long, and I come home to find both women on the floor. In any other situation it might've been hot, but I couldn't allow them to pull each other's hair out. At least so that my apartment didn't end up looking like a murder took place there

So I dropped my bags and threw my arms around Raya's waist, pulling her off of Anna. Her hands immediately tried to pry my arms away from her, but I held on, despite her fingernails scratching my skin. She's breathing hard, and her skin feels warm from exertion.

Now is not the time to get distracted.

"Calm down! Both of you! You're both behaving like teenagers!" I shout.

Anna shakily stands, her blonde curls hanging in her eyes, her dress torn at the collar. Her lipstick is smeared, and there's a sizable bruise forming on her cheek.

Don't get distracted.

"Who is this woman?!"

"I have a name, bitch!"

" Who she is is none of your business Anna. Leave."

"Excuse me?!!"

"I won't repeat myself. Leave and don't come back."

"Is this why you got so upset at me?because you were secretly sleeping with that hussy?!"

"Hussy?! I swear to god I'll rip out your fake ass hair by the roots!!" Raya shouted, squirming to get free.

"She has nothing to do with this ,Anna. You werent exactly the best girlfriend either."

"How dare you! How about all the times you blew me off because of 'work meetings'?! Every time I wanted to go out you'd alway be busy!" She angrily accused, pointing at me.

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