Chapter 24

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Gahhhh, this is boring. They're all talking about businesses and stuffs. Domenic's eating like there is no tomorrow, yet doesn't make a mess. Kenn's missing in action, I guess he's still reading his book, and Leandro and Shane looks good together, they're talking about Animes and stuffs.

What am I doing with my life? Why am I the only one unoccupied? Is there something wrong with me? Do I deserve this? Gahhh! This is too boring. I somehow understand why Kenn is outside reading a book.

I finished the food I'm eating, and stood up. I left the room without them noticing me, they're too occupied; and proceeded to go outside. I could use some fresh air.

This is what I call life, it feels good. But, where's Kenn? I thought he's outside. Maybe, he's inside the jungle? Nah, don't think so. Even If he's a prodigy or stuffs, I don't think he'll enter the jungle. 

*Woof Woof*

What was that!? Pretty much not a Dog, I hope.

*Woofing Intensifies*


Since I'm Cynophobic, my body moved on its own. I ran away without thinking, without knowing where I'm headed. I had Cynophobia when I was 6 years old. I got bitten by a weird looking dog, or should I say, a bulldog. Ever since then, I had Cynophobia.

I continued shouting while running aimlessly, until somebody stopped me aggressively, partially injured me; which caused me to fall down.

"Aw! It hurts! What the hell!?" I shouted at the random person who stopped me, which is actually Kenn.

"Tsk, what are you doing here?" He asked in an annoyed tone while holding the book he's reading.

I guess, I should thank this guy for turning my fear into pain! He could've stopped me using peaceful ways...or maybe not?

I'm currently inside the jungle, facing a very large tree, with large branches; which is I nearly collided with. I guess he saved me from a big pain by inflicting some pain. But seriously, where am I? I don't see our house anywhere.

"Honestly, I don't know, I don't even know where I am," I answered normally then stood up. Heck this is no time for my speech defect, and I never knew I could fix that by anger and pain.

I removed the dirt off my clothes instead, knowing he probably won't answer my question, and faced away, trying to look for a path back home.

"Did you know that the world is flat?" He suddenly asked me.

Wow, I thought this guy was smart, why is he asking something so dumb?

"Flat? It's round, you dumdum," I replied proudly.

Heck, the world is not flat, it's round.

"No, I'm serious. The world is Indeed flat."

Why is he pushing something so idiotic, it makes no absolute sense.

"Where's your proof? Why do you think the world is flat?" 

Talking about this, is meaningless. I need proof, at least.

"Because, you're my world."

I blushed a little because of his answer. But wait, I'm his world? GAH!!!

"Huh??? WHAT THE HECK!? I'M NOT THAT FLAT," I shouted at him angrily. 

GAHH! I'm not flat, or not that flat atleast, it might be small, but I'm not flat; what the hell is wrong with this guy!?

Instead of answering, he laughed instead. 

"What's funny!?"

"You. You look pretty cute when you're mad," He said while still laughing.

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